Growing up as a scientist

As a graduate student, I sometimes wonder what I want to do once I grow up as a scientist. Maybe I do not want to stay in the academia forever. Taking what I have learned during PhD studies “outside” is an appealing idea. Not that it has to be either or – it is also possible to shift back and forth, or combine academic work with something more applied. But what does one need to know or do to make a nonacademic conservation career? Continue reading

The art of the cognitive war to save the planet

Paper by Antal & Hukkinen 2010
Discussed at the Journal club 18.5.2012

This survey paper addresses some rather profound issues related to saving our planet, as the title suggests. It takes a cognitive approach to what is required from environmental policies to change human behavior with respect to environmental problems. The paper is certainly thought provoking, even provocative in style. The fact that I ran out of paper for making notes perhaps best describes the intensity of discussion. Continue reading