DENVI Annual Meeting 2017

2nd DENVI Annual Meeting,  6 – 7th February 2017

Auditorium Pieni Juhlasali (Fabianinkatu 33 4th floor), Helsinki University main building, Central Campus.

Theme & Programme

2017 theme for the annual meeting was “Interactions between human and environment” which covers all disciplines from social sciences to biological and environmental sciences.

The 2 day program included poster presentations, oral presentations, and a workshop. Master degree students could also participate both in the oral and poster presentation. There was also team competitions and an evening event for DENVI students.

See full programme for DENVI Annual Meeting here: 2017 programme

Best talk and poster prizes

The best talk and poster prizes were awarded at the closing ceremony of the DENVI annual meeting by Mika Lavento a member of the DENVI board. In addition to Mika, Arho Toikka and the keynote speaker Sara Tjossem took part in evaluating the talks and posters.

Best talk: Henrikki Tenkanen – DYNAMO: A framework for dynamic accessibility modelling
Highly commended: Aino Assmuth, Sophia Hagolani-Albov & Mohammad Mozunder

Best poster prize: Attila Paksi – Photovoice

Thanks to Viking Line, Sara Tjossem & DENVI for providing the prizes!

Keynote speakers

Sara Tjossem

Sara Tjossem is a Senior Lecturer in the School of International and Public Affairs, Columbia University, New York City, USA.

She works on the interplay of science and society in the 20th century through the development of scientific institutions and environmental movements.

Her training in the natural sciences and the history of science informs her research and teaching on environmental policy and politics.

Her most recent book, Fostering Marine Science and Internationalism: The Journey with PICES, the North Pacific Marine Science Organization (Springer, 2017), describes the development and growth of a premier intergovernmental science organization.

She looks forward to renewing her ties to Finland, having spent a year at the University of Helsinki on a Fulbright-Hays fellowship in 1984.

Sonja Salovius-Laurénsonja-s-l-2017

Sonja Salovius-Laurén is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Biosciences, Åbo Akademi University, Turku, Finland.

The Finnish Inventory Programme for the Underwater Marine Environment (VELMU) aims at mapping the marine areas around Finland to support management and nature protection.

The work includes large efforts of geological and biological field inventories, handling of data sets, GIS, statistics, spatial modelling and research at several levels. The communication and outreach to stakeholders and to the general public are of central importance. The work is done as a large cooperation between different research institutions and authorities in Finland.

Her primary interests, being a marine biologist, are in biodiversity and functions in coastal shallow productive areas and how anthropogenic activities affect these important habitats. Environmental conditions set the limits for the water vegetation, being the base in the food chain, and mechanisms driving the interactions between vegetation and fauna are of special interest.

Organizing committee

  • Mari Joensuu (mari.joensuu(a)
  • Paula Kajankari (paula.kajankari(a)
  • Karna Dahal (karna.dahal(a)
  • Mohammad Mozumder (mohammad.mozumder(a)

Collaboration members

  • Sophia Hagolani-Albov
  • Anita Heim