
Peer-reviewed scientific articles (A1) 

  •  Gritsenko, D., Markham, A., Pötzsch, H. and M. Wijermars (2022). Algorithms, contexts, governance: An introduction to the special issue. New Media and Society, 24(4), 835-844.  
  • Gritsenko, D. (2022). Local Energy Transition in Russia: A Multi-Actor Perspective on the Case of Yakutia. Environmental Politics. Online first, DOI10.1080/09644016.2021.2020016 
  • Gritsenko D. and Indukaev, A. (2021). Digitalising City Governance in Russia: The Case of the ’Active Citizen’ Platform. Europe-Asia Studies, 73(6), 1102-1124.  
  • Ialongo, I., Stepanova, N., Hakkarainen, J., Virta, H., & Gritsenko, D. (2021). Satellite-based estimates of nitrogen oxide and methane emissions from gas flaring and oil production activities in Sakha Republic, Russia. Atmospheric Environment: X, 100114.  
  • Isoaho, K., Gritsenko, D. and E. Mäkelä (2021). “Topic modeling and qualitative textual research”. Policy Studies Journal, 49(1), 300-324.   
  • Gritsenko, D. and Wood, M. (2020). “Algorithmic Governance: A Modes of Governance Approach”. Regulation and Governance (online first).  
  • Gritsenko, D. and Salonen, H. (2020). A local perspective on renewable energy development in the Russian Arctic. Elementa: Science of Anthropocene, 8(1), 441.  
  • Gritsenko, D., & Efimova, E. (2020). “Is there Arctic resource curse? Evidence from the Russian Arctic regions”. Resources Policy, 65, 101547.  
  • Stepanova, N., Gritsenko, D., Gavrilyeva, T., & Belokur, A. (2020). “Sustainable development in sparsely populated territories: Case of the Russian Arctic and Far East”. Sustainability, 12(6), 2367.  
  • Vammen Larsen, S., Bors, E. K., Jóhannsdóttir, L., Gladun, E., Gritsenko, D., Nysten‐Haarala, S., … & Sformo, T. (2019). “A Conceptual Framework of Arctic Economies for Policy‐making, Research, and Practice”. Global Policy, 10(4), 686-696.  
  • Tichavska, M., Tovar, B., Gritsenko, D., Johansson, L. and J.-P. Jalkanen. (2019). “Air emissions derived from passenger vessels in port: does regulation make a difference?” Transport Policy, 75, 128-140.   
  • Gritsenko, D. and M. Roe. (2019) “Quality Shipping Governance: A Polycentric Approach”. Geoforum, 103, 138-147.  
  • Gritsenko, D. (2018) “Explaining choices in energy infrastructure development as a network of adjacent action situations (NAAS): The case of LNG in the Baltic Sea region,” Energy Policy, 112, 74-83.   
  • Fedi, L., Faury, O. and D. Gritsenko. (2018) “The impact of the Polar Code on risk mitigation in Arctic waters: a “tool box” for underwriters?” Maritime Policy and Management, 45(4), 478-494.     
  • Gritsenko, D. (2018). ”Aluetutkimus big data –aikakudella,” Idäntutkimus, 3-4: 47-52.  
  • Gritsenko D. and E. Efimova. (2017) “Policy environment analysis for Arctic seaport development: The case of Sabetta (Russia),” Polar Geography, 40(3), 186-207.  
  • Gritsenko, D. (2017) “Regulating GHG emissions from shipping: Global, local, or polycentric approach?,” Marine Policy, 84, 130-133.  
  • Gritsenko, D. (2016) “Vodka on ice? Unveiling Russian media perceptions of the Arctic”. Energy Research & Social Science, 16, 8-12.   
  • Gritsenko, D. and Tynkkynen, VP. (2016). “Arktinen Venäjän poliittisessa viestinnässä” (“The Arctic in Russian political communication”, in Finnish). Idäntutkimus (Finnish Review of Russian and East-European Studies), 4/2016, pp. 3-18.   
  • Gritsenko, D. and T. Kiiski. (2016) “A review of Russian ice-breaking tariff policy on the Northern Sea Route 1991 – 2014”. Polar Record, 52(02), pp. 144-158.   
  • Gritsenko, D. (2015). “Quality governance in maritime oil transport: The case of the Baltic Sea”. Management of Environmental Quality, 26 (5), pp. 701-720.   
  • Gritsenko, D. (2015). “Governing external cost of shipping in emission control areas: An instrumentation approach”. Journal of Maritime Research, 11(2), pp. 89-95.   
  • Yliskylä-Peuralahti, J., Gritsenko, D. and J. Viertola. (2015). “Corporate social responsibility and quality governance in shipping”. Ocean Yearbook, 29, pp. 417 – 440.   
  • Yliskylä-Peuralahti, J., Gritsenko, D. (2014). ”Binding rules or voluntary action? A conceptual framework for CSR in shipping”. WMU Journal of Maritime Affairs 13(2), pp. 251-268.    
  • Gritsenko, D. and J. Yliskylä-Peuralahti (2013). “Governing shipping externalities: Baltic ports in the process of SOx emissions reduction”. Maritime Studies 12:10   
  • Gritsenko, D. (2013). “The Russian dimension of Baltic maritime governance”. Journal of Baltic Studies, 44(4), pp. 425-449. 


  • Refereed book chapters (A3) and conference proceedings (A4)  
  • Gritsenko D., Kopotev, M. and Wijermars, M. (2020). ”Digital Russia Studies: An Introduction”. In Gritsenko, D., Wijermars, M. and M. Kopotev (eds.). The Palgrave Handbook of Digital Russia Studies, 1.
  • Gritsenko D. and M. Zherebtsov (2020). “E-Government in Russia: Plans, Reality, and Future Outlook”. In Gritsenko, D., Wijermars, M. and M. Kopotev (eds.). The Palgrave Handbook of Digital Russia Studies, 33-51. 
  • Parkhimovich O. and D. Gritsenko (2020). “Open Government Data in Russia”. In Gritsenko, D., Wijermars, M. and M. Kopotev (eds.). The Palgrave Handbook of Digital Russia Studies, 389-407. 
  • Gritsenko, D., Goto, M., Tynkkynen, V. P., & Tabata, S. (2018). Foreword: a multidisciplinary effort to understand Russia’s Arctic policy and politics. In Tynkkynen, VP, Tabata, S., Gritsenko, D. and M. Goto (eds.). Russia’s far north: the contested energy frontier. Routledge, pp. XI-XVII. 
  • Gritsenko, D. and VP. Tynkkynen (2018). “Telling domestic and international policy stories: The case of Russian Arctic policy”. In: Tynkkynen, VP, Tabata, S., Gritsenko, D. and M. Goto (eds.). Russia’s Far North: The Contested Energy Frontier. Routledge, pp. 191-205.  
  • Gritsenko, D. and E. Efimova (2018). “Exploring regional sustainable development in Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug”. In: Tynkkynen, VP, Tabata, S., Gritsenko, D. and M. Goto (eds.). Russia’s Far North: The Contested Energy Frontier. Routledge, pp. 67-83.  
  • Gritsenko, D. (2018). “Arctic energy: Resource colonialism revisited”. C. Kuzemko, A. Goldthau, M. Keating (eds.), Handbook of International Political Economy of Energy and Natural Resources, Edward Elgars, pp. 172 – 186.  
  • Gritsenko, D. (2016). “Shipping and environmental governance in the Baltic Sea region”. K. Liuhto (ed.) The maritime cluster in the Baltic Sea region and beyond, 68, University of Turku: Centrum Balticum, pp. 68 – 80.  
  • Gritsenko, D. and A. Serry (2015). “A geographical perspective on LNG facility development in the Eastern Baltic Sea. A. Weintrit and T. Neumann (eds.) Safety of Marine Transport: Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea Transportation. CRC Press – Taylor and Francis. pp. 163-160.  
  • Pentz, T-Å and Gritsenko, D. (2014). “Maritime governance in the Baltic Sea region: The EU’s success story?” Marta Grzechnik, Heta Hurskainen (eds.) Beyond the Sea – Reviewing the manifold dimensions of water as barrier and bridge. Böhlau Verlag, pp. 203 – 226.  
  • Gritsenko, D. and K. Vehkalahti (2013). “Varying patterns in vessel operation quality and their governance implications”. Proceedings of the International Forum on Shipping, Ports and Airports (IFSPA), Hong-Kong, China, June 3-5, 2013, pp. 473 -484.  


Edited book, compilation, special issue (C2)  

  • Gritsenko, D., Markham, A., Pötzsch, H. and M. Wijermars. Algorithmic Governance in Context. Special Issue with New Media and Society.
  • Gritsenko, D., Wijermars, M. and M. Kopotev (eds.). The Palgrave Handbook of Digital Russia Studies (in press, forthcoming 2020). Palgrave Macmillan. 
  •  Tynkkynen, VP, Tabata, S., Gritsenko, D. and M. Goto (eds.) (2018). Russia’s Far North: The Contested Energy Frontier. Routledge.  
  • Pilli-Sihvola, K., Gritsenko, D., Haavisto, R. et al. (2016) “Suomi arktisen alueen vastuulliseksi edelläkävijäksi – toimenpide-ehdotuksia yleisen kehityksen, meriklusterin ja matkailun edistämiseksi vuoteen 2035”. Maaliskuu 2016. VNK selvitys- ja tutkimustoiminnan julkaisusarja.  


Theses (G)  

  • Gritsenko, D. (2014). On Governance of Quality Shipping in the Baltic Sea: Exploring Collective Action in Polycentric Contexts. Doctoral Dissertation. Helsinki: Unigrafia.  
  • Gritsenko, D. (2009). The EU Baltic Sea Region Strategy in the Framework of EC Law: Focus on Clean Shipping. Master’s Thesis Series (Study Paper), Europa-Kolleg Hamburg, Institute for European Integration.