DAIA – Effective Education

Welcome to the Effective Education sub-project, an integral component of the DAIA initiative. This focused work package is dedicated to the exploration and development of training practices in both real and virtual environments, tailored to diverse company activities such as security, extractive industries, and technological and vocational training.

Given the rise of new smart high-tech devices, expertise throughout the value chain becomes essential, with a specific emphasis on maintenance and end-user proficiency. As digitalization continues to reshape competence profiles and educational needs, our sub-project leverages the principles of Competence-Based Training (CBT). We create customized training case plans for each company, outlining objectives and employing effective training methodologies.

In line with design research principles, our collaboration actively involves local actors and companies in cycles of co-creation. This ensures that training models align with the specific needs of the South African operating environment. Our objectives encompass creating an innovative training concept, developing efficient training models for international export, supporting companies in their green transition through digital education, optimizing training methods for diverse starting levels and cultural backgrounds, and producing indicators of education effectiveness.