General information

Welcome to DAIA

The DAIA project is a dynamic initiative at the intersection of education, technology, and international collaboration. Rooted in South Africa, a significant market and gateway to the rest of Africa, our mission is two-fold: Addressing the critical shortage of skilled personnel through new forms of competence-based training and creating a competitive advantage for Finnish companies.

Empowering Through Education

South Africa faces a major labor shortage, with 70% of young people unemployed. The DAIA project aligns with Minister Skinnari’s commitment to the One Million New Jobs Programme, focusing on key sectors such as farming, construction, clean energy, water, and extractive industries. Our aim is to bridge the gap between education and the workforce by creating new forms of competence-based training, adapted to South African society, to ensure a skilled workforce.

Innovative Training Solutions for Export Growth

Collaborating companies and researchers from both Finland and South Africa are developing competency-based micro-credential training formats and scalable models tailored to the concrete training needs. With an estimated annual export growth potential ranging between EUR 50-80 million, the project serves as a catalyst for business expansion. The resulting innovative training solutions are expected to generate new business prospects.

The DAIA Partners

Research Institutions:


Contributing to Sustainable Development Goals

Led by the University of Helsinki, the project integrates a design-based methodology that emphasizes close collaboration between researchers and companies. This approach tailors solutions to local conditions and promotes iterative progress toward identifying best practices. The DAIA project aligns with various Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), contributing to improved social well-being and supporting digitalization for a greener transition.

Join Us in Shaping a Future of Empowered Individuals and Global Impact

DAIA is not just about education; it is a commitment to fostering a future where education is a catalyst for positive change and a driver for business growth. Join us in empowering individuals, bridging skill gaps, and building a foundation for success in the Fourth Industrial Revolution and beyond.


The Digital Academies in Africa project is a Co-Innovation and Development project (2023-2025) funded by Business Finland.