Organizing team 2018

Tia-Maria Virtanen, team leader

Tia-Maria is studying in Environmental Change and Global Sustainability Master’s programme at the University of Helsinki and corporate responsibility at Hanken. She is doing her thesis about guiding consumers towards environmentally sustainable choices as part of corporate responsibility. At the moment, she craves everything that tastes like gingerbread and she cannot wait to see you at the ECGSustainability NOW event.

For additional information about the event, please contact
Tia-Maria Virtanen/ Team Leader

Milka Keinänen, community relations leader

Milka studies in the ECGS master’s programme and is working on her thesis about High Nature Value farmlands in Europe. She wants to travel and get known with agroecological food production practices around the world.

Annika Nuotiomäki, content leader

Annika is a student of Environmental Change and Policy at the Faculty of Biological and Environmental Sciences with a previous Master’s degree in English Translation Studies. She is devoted to anti-consumerism and thinks that the most genius invention of the recent years is clothes library.

Linnea Iskanius, communications leader

Linnea has a bachelor’s degree in Forest economy and marketing. For her thesis she is gathering information about sustainable fashion and forest resources that could be utilized in the fashion and the textile industry in general.




If you are interested in being a part of the annual ECGSustainability Now event, please contact course coordinating teacher Riina Koivuranta (riina.koivuranta(at)