EVENT 2018

Preliminary program of the event 2018. Changes might occur!

Date: 19th December 2018

11:30 Coffee and sweet buns Lounge

Opening of ECGSustainability NOW conference

Welcome words by the organizing team

12:30 – 14:30


Register by Monday 3rd of December to either one of the workshops:

Workshop 1: Life after gradu – How to use master’s thesis as a key to working life?

Workshop 2: Studying sustainability sciences and coping with environmental anxiety – how to maintain well-being and performance? Hosted by Panu Pihkala!

14:30 – 15:15 Free time for exploring the Sustainability Science Consepts- course poster exhibition by the Stage. Stage
15:15 – 17:30


Sustainable holidays – Can we maintain Christmas traditions while the climate is changing?

Minna Autio
Mikko Kurenlahti
Amanda Pasanen
Otso Sillanaukee

Chairperson: Janne Hukkinen


Venue: Think Corner, Yliopistonkatu 4

The whole event will be in English!


Workshop 1: Life after gradu – How to use master’s thesis as a key to working life?  The Helsinki University career services accompanied by two graduate students from multidisciplinary sustainability studies, will guide you using your work for gaining a job either in academia or elsewhere. After the workshop you are aware what skills and knowledge you have developed during the thesis process, able to get your LinkedIn profile job search ready and write an attractive summary of your abilities.

Workshop 2: Studying sustainability sciences and coping with eco-anxiety – how to maintain well-being and performance? is hosted by Dr. Panu Pihkala, who has been active in multi-disciplinary research on eco-anxiety. Here you’ll find tools to handle the difficult issues you’re facing in your study field and to channel your feelings into action.

Please fill out the registration for either of the workshop session. Registration open until 14:00 on 12.12. https://elomake.helsinki.fi/lomakkeet/93579/lomake.html


Can we conserve Christmas traditions while the climate is changing? How to change traditions to an environmentally sound direction?

Welcome to listen and discuss about sustainable holiday season with our experts! Our wonderful multidisciplinary panel will explore the relations between traditions, consumption and sustainability. Audience is very welcome to join the conversation.

Minna Autio, consumer economist
Mikko Kurenlahti, theologist
Amanda Pasanen, sustainablilty science student and a politician
Otso Sillanaukee, zero-waste activist

Chairperson: Janne Hukkinen

Ac­cess­ib­il­ity: All Think Corner facilities are fully accessible. The fully accessible entrance is via the lift lobby at the corner of Yliopistonkatu and Fabianinkatu. There is lift access between the floors. The K1 floor has a fully accessible toilet.


ECGSustainability NOW- ohjelma 2018

Ajankohta: 19.12.
Paikka: Tiedekulma, Yliopistonkatu 4
Aika: Think Loungessa klo 11.30-14.30 työpajat ja Stagella klo 15.15-17.30 paneelikeskustelu

Sekä paneeli että työpajat järjestetään englanniksi.

Muistathan rekisteröityä, jos olet tulossa työpajaan. Paneeli ei vaadi ilmoittumista. Rekisteröityminen on auki 12.12. kello 14:00 saakka.

Esteettömyys: Tiedekulman kaikkiin tiloihin on esteetön pääsy. Esteetön sisäänkäynti on Yliopistonkadun ja Fabianinkadun kulmassa sijaitsevassa hissiaulassa. Kerrosten välillä voi kulkea hissillä. Kerroksissa K1 ja 2 on liikuntaesteetön wc-tila.