

Penttinen, Elina, Marjut Jyrkinen, ja Elisabeth Wide. 2019. Emotional workplace abuse : a new research approach. Palgrave Macmillan UK.


Jyrkinen, M. ja Penttinen, E. (2020) ”Henkinen työpaikkaväkivalta – tunnistamisen ja nimeämisen tärkeys hyvinvoinnin edistämiseksi”. Työpoliittinen aikakauskirja , 1/2020, s. 36-48.
Link to pdf.

Jyrkinen, M., Väkiparta, M. and Lämsä A-M. (forthcoming 2019/20) ‘Care and Work in Reception Centers for Asylum Seekers’, Equality, Diversity and Inclusion.

Jyrkinen, M. (2014) ‘Women Managers, Careers and Gendered Ageism’, Scandinavian Journal of Management. An International Journal, 30(2), pp. 175-185.

McKie, L. and Jyrkinen, M. (2017) ‘”MyManagement”: Female Managers Meet the Sexualised and Gendered Working Life”, Gender in Management: An International Journal, 32(2), pp.98-110.

Penttinen, Elina. 2018. ”Gender, Agency and Violence”. In Routledge Handbook on Gender and Security’, eds. Caron E. Gentry, Laura J. Shepherd, ja Laura Sjoberg. London ; New York, NY: Routledge, 252–61.

Penttinen, Elina. 2016. ”Compassionate witnessing of trauma as a potential practice for security studies scholarship”. Critical Studies on Security 4(1): 129–32.

Steel, T., Lämsä, A-M and Jyrkinen, M. (2019) ‘Paradoxes of Mentoring: An ethnographic study of a Mentoring Programme for Highly Educated Women with Migrant Backgrounds’, Culture Unbound – Journal of Current Cultural Research, 11 (2), 275-297.