International workshops

August 29th – 31st 2016, Finland
Aim: Finnish advisory meeting. Planning the ideas for the international publications and the book. Breakfast related to STEM research with Tekniikan Akateemiset.

May 16th – 20th 2016, Finland
Aim: Exchange for U.S. teacher, principal and intern. Get familiar with Finnish school system, also elementary school. Professional development for Finnish and U.S. teachers.

February 6th – 9th 2016, U.S.
Aim: Professional development for Finnish and U.S. teachers. Exchange for 8 Finnish teachers to get familiar with U.S. school system. Working with the instruments for the next data collection.

December 7th – 9th 2015, Finland
Aim: Professional development for Finnish teachers. Planning of the next data collection and including intervention to it. Scheduling the next data collection. Opening event 8.12.2015: Crafting Optimal Learning in Science Environments – project.
[Link to Webinar.]

August 31st – September 3th 2015, Finland
Aim: Updates and next steps for the project. Together with ESERA conference.

January 19th – 21st 2015, Finland
Aim: Discuss and work with the PIRE application and the international articles. Planning of the next data collection.

January 13th – 18th 2015, U.S.
Aim: Planning for the future. Making the first version of the field manuals.

June 9th – 11th 2014, Finland
Aim: Discuss about the data collection and the improvements. Together with the SAVI consortium meeting in Helsinki.

May 4th – 8th 2014, U.S.
Aim: Becoming familiar with teacher education in the U.S. Michigan. Becoming familiar with U.S. schools. Exchange for 6 Finnish teachers.

April 24th – May 3rd 2014, U.S.
Aim: Going through previous data collection. Making sure that in both countries, we are doing exactly the same thing. Working with the data.

October 1st – 4th 2013, Finland
Aim: Become familiar with the schools in Helsinki area and make connections between researchers and teachers. Discuss about the previous data collection “pilot” in spring 2013. Discuss the current state of the research and the analyses of the data.