Finnish Educational Transitions (FinEdu) Study, Faculty of Education, University of Helsinki




Update: We are collecting new data. We got many responses and we are soon  sending the movie tickets.  Thank you so much for replying! We are still waiting for more respondents and we’ll be happy to hear back from you!

What is the purpose of the project?  In Finnish here

The project initially aimed to explore young people’s educational choices after compulsory education, focusing on transitions from school to further education or work. It also delved into personal goals, motivations and well-being.  As participants reached adulthood, the project shifted focus to career paths and factors affecting adulthood processes. The aim is to understand how to promote resilience and positive adjustment even in the face of adversity; what are the familial ties and personal and contextual resources that facilitate these transitions? Currently, we are focusing on studying how identity, values, and well-being influence partnerships and childbearing among young adults.

FinEdu researchers will be happy to hear back from you!

Research results

In the new publications, FinEdu survey responses have been used for research on 1) study/work engagement and burnout, 2) work values and career outcomes, 3) identity formation, 4) young adults´ finances, 3) youth career paths, and 4) learning.

Finedu-aineistoa kerätään jälleen! Tutustu koosteeseen uusimmista Finedu-julkaisuista täällä.

New FinEdu data collection is taking place at the moment! Check out the compilation of the latest Finedu publications here.


FinEdu aims to find out, among other things, where young people end up after comprehensive and upper-secondary education and what factors are associated with their different choices. Our purpose, then, is to identify different career paths and the factors that surround them. Additionally, there is a growing need to understand the reasons behind the delay and decline of partnership formation and childbearing in Finland, and what factors promote individuals’ resilience and adjustment to current societal changes. By gathering such information, we can better equip ourselves with the knowledge needed to make informed decisions and improve our societies.


The project has been mainly funded by the Academy of Finland, the Strategic Research Council (SRC) and the Jacobs Foundation.


You can download the privacy notice FinEdu tietosuojailmoitus_2024.