Sino-Finnish Joint Learning Innovation Institute Forum on Learning and Mind

Within the framework of Sino-Finnish collaboration, Beijing Normal University organised a 3-day conference in Zhuhai and a symposium in Beijing late last October (23-25 & 29.10.2016). The two events aimed to inaugurate and to provide a forum for exchange and discussion on research and themes related to the Sino-Finnish Joint Innovation Institute. Both Chinese and Finnish scholars delivered keynote speeches and presentations, and participated in discussions aiming to deepen collaboration links and exchanges between Finnish and Chinese Universities. From the Finnish part, there were delegates from the Universities of Helsinki, Tampere, Oulu and Jyväskylä, and the Academy of Finland. From the Chinese part, there were academics and researchers from Beijing Normal and Peking University.

The main goal of our team was to present the research project on ‘Teaching and learning with digital storytelling and digital pen’. The project takes place in November-December 2016 and aims to investigate the use of digital technologies and a digital pen with digital storytelling as a 21st century pedagogy in two primary classrooms in Helsinki and 2 in Beijing. Through the pedagogical interventions and the findings of the study, the project also aims to offer suggestions on how to implement student-centred methods and open up opportunities for active involvement and engagement with learning math in school.

Professor Hannele Niemi, who is the Scientific leader of the project, gave a comprehensive talk on the main aspects of the research plan, and discussed the need for new pedagogies, practices and tools. Hannele, who is also the Chair of the Joint Institute, gave keynote speeches in BNU, Zhuhai & Beijing, and was invited speaker by the Graduate School of Education, Peking University. In PKU, Hannele discussed student-driven knowledge creation in relation to the new Finnish Core Curriculum and 21st century pedagogical approaches, such as digital storytelling and game-based learning.

Professor Anna Mauranen, the Vice Rector of HU, delivered a keynote speech in BNU, Zhuhai. The Faculty of Behavioural Sciences, HU, also represented the Head of Teacher Education, Professor Jari Lavonen, the Vice-Dean Professor Heikki Ruismaki, & Professors Inkeri Ruokonen, Pirjo Aunio, Markku Niemivirta, Lotta Uusitalo-Malmivaara, Katariina Salmela-Aro, & CICERO Research Director Mari Tervaniemi with research presentations and participation in fora & discussions in Zhuhai and Beijing.


Conference Proceedings: zhuhai-conference-proceedings-part1 zhuhai-conference-proceedings-part2

Published by

Marianna Vivitsou

Marianna Vivitsou does postdoctoral research at the Faculty of Educational Sciences, University of Helsinki. She studies hybrid and online pedagogies; how narrativity, aesthetics and sustainability relate; more-than-human elements and perspectives in storytelling; education as transformative experience; and academic activism.

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