History Lessons: Can historical comparisons help us understand the present?

Main venue: HCAS Common Room Fabianinkatu 24 A, 3rd floor

Note: Due to unforeseen circumstances, we will have to move to another venue on Thursday at 2:30 pm (for the rest of the day). See details below.

23 November, Thursday

09.00–09.10: Welcome
09.15–09.30: Introduction (Anton Kotenko &Andrew Graan (HCAS))

09.30–11.00: Keynote 1: New Interwar Period? On the uses and abuses of diachronic comparisons (Abstract)
Balázs Trencsényi (Central European University)
ChairJani Marjanen (University of Helsinki)

11.00–11.30: Break

11.30–12.30: Session 1. Empire
Pieter Judson (EUI) and Martin Aust (University of Bonn)
Chair: Catherine Gibson (University of Tartu)

12.30–13.30: Lunch

13.30–14.30: Session 2. League of Nations / Cold war / Cuban missile crisis
Lina Klymenko (HCAS) and Heikki Patomäki (University of Helsinki)
Chair: Tuomas Forsberg (University of Tampere) 

** NB! Change of venue: The afternoon coffee break, the session 3 and the reception will take place in the Athena building at Siltavuorenpenger 3 A. **

14.30–15.00: Break (Venue: Lobby of the Athena building, Siltavuorenpenger 3 A, click here for instructions on getting there from the Collegium.)

15.00–16.00: Session 3. Yugoslavia (Venue: Hall 107, Athena building, Siltavuorenpenger 3 A)
Catherine Baker (University of Hull, online) and Marina Vulovic (The German Institute for International and Security Affairs)
Chair: Jeremy Walton (U of Rijeka)

16.00-17.00  Reception (Lobby of the Athena building, Siltavuorenpenger 3 A)

24 November, Friday

Venue: HCAS Common Room, Fabianinkatu 24 A, 3rd floor

09.30–11.00: Keynote 2: “Deceit in a Just Cause”: Cognitive dissonance as the key to seeing through the fog of the Ukraine war and its multiple mutilations of truth (Abstract)

Roger Griffin (Oxford Brookes University)
Tero Toivanen (HCAS) 

11.00–11.30: Break

11.30–12.30: Session 4. Banality of evil, ordinary men, collective responsibility.
Säde Hormio (University of Helsinki)
Wulf Kansteiner (University of Aarhus)
Lukasz Mikolajewski (University of Warsaw)

12.30–13.30: Lunch

13.30–14.30: Session 5. Winter war
Jussi Jalonen (University of Oulu)
Henrik Meinander (University of Helsinki)
Ainur Elmgren (University of Oulu)

14.30–15.00: Break

15.00–16.30: Session 6. Use and abuse of historical analogies (roundtable)
Emilia Palonen (University of Helsinki)
Jeremy Walton (University of Rijeka)
Anke Hilbrenner (University of Düsseldorf)
Andrew Graan (HCAS)