Digital Public Library of America (DPLA)

Digital Public Library of America (DPLA) provides an easy access to digitized sources. DPLA cooperates with main libraries and educational institutes in the United States. In addition to links primary sources, the website has digital exhibitions on various themes. Learn more


Annotated Books Online is a virtual research environment for scholars and students interested in historical reading practices. It is part of the research project “A Collaboratory for the Study of Reading and the Circulation of Ideas in Early Modern Europe” funded by the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO) and co-ordinated by Arnoud Visser. Generous additional funding was provided by Anthony Grafton for the edition of Gabriel Harvey’s annotations to Livy (Mellon Foundation). Learn more


EEBO is based on the microfilm collections curated by the Ann Arbor publisher Eugene B. Power (1905-1993). The founder of what became University Microfilms International or UMI, Power’s first foreign project established the microfilming operation at the British Museum in 1942 and, since then, more than 200 libraries worldwide have contributed to the microfilm collection.

Following its digital launch in 1998, Early English Books Online now contains page images of virtually every work printed in England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales and British North America, as well as works in English printed elsewhere between 1473 and 1700.

Beginning with the very first book published in English, EEBO draws from four authoritative bibliographical resources – both Pollard & Redgrave’s Short-Title Catalogue (1475-1640)and Wing’s Short-Title Catalogue (1641-1700) in their revised versions, as well as the Thomason Tracts (1640-1661) and the Early English Books Tract Supplement – to present more than 146,000 titles and over 17 million scanned pages of content. Learn more

Österreichisches Nationalbibliothek (Austrian National Library)

Österreichisches Nationalbibliothek looks back to a history rich in tradition going as far as the 14th century. It is a living bridge between the rich heritage of the past and the future-oriented demands of a modern information society. As a service-oriented information centre, the Austrian National Library offers its users access and professional advice on its own holdings (over 10.9 million objects) and also on international data pools. It also accepts commissions on scientific research, and operates documentation centres and service facilities, for example on literature specifically devoted to women’s studies. Since the beginning of the digital age, a steadily increasing number of services have been handled online via the website of the Austrian National Library. Learn more

Das Bundesarchiv (The Federal Archives of Germany)

Das Bundesarchiv has the legal mandate to secure the archives of the federal government in the long term and to make them available for use. These are documents (including files, maps, pictures, posters, films and sound recordings in analogue and digital form) that have been produced by central offices of the Holy Roman Empire (1495-1806), the German Confederation (1815-1866), of the German Reich (1867/71-1945), the Occupation Zones (1945-1949), the German Democratic Republic (1949-1990) and the Federal Republic of Germany (since 1949). Learn more

DigitaltMuseum (Digital Museum of Sweden and Norway)

DigitaltMuseum is a continuously expanding collection of more than 6 million museum objects from across both Sweden and Norway. Many of them have never been previously presented to the public. They are mainly presented in form of high quality pictures and photos. Learn more


The ESTC contains catalogue entries for items issued in Britain, Ireland, overseas territories under British colonial rule, and the United States. Also included is material printed elsewhere which contains significant text in English, Welsh, Irish or Gaelic, as well as any book falsely claiming to have been printed in Britain or its territories.

The database contains over 480,000 entries, and represents the holdings of some 2,000 libraries world-wide. Learn more


The USTC has now absorbed all our data for the period 1601-1650, so that we provide full coverage of the first two centuries of print in all our searches and analysis. We have added an extra one million copies, with, as far as possible, call numbers. We now have located copies from 8,500 libraries, archives and museums.

The USTC now comprises 740,000 editions with 4,000,000 surviving copies. Additional data to be added over the next weeks will take this total to 780,000 editions. The USTC now includes descriptions of some 40,000 single-sheet items, and this too will climb rapidly as we incorporate several thousand further items that we have discovered in our searches in archives. Learn more


The Renaissance Cultural Crossroads Catalogue is a searchable, analytical and annotated list of all translations out of and into all languages printed in England, Scotland, and Ireland before 1641. It also includes all translations out of all languages into English printed abroad before 1641.

RCCC draws on the second edition of the Short-Title Catalogue of Books Printed in England, Scotland, & Ireland and of English Books Printed Abroad 1475-1640 edited by A. W. Pollard & G. R. Redgrave and is modelled on the online English Short-Title Catalogue, although offering additional information on the translations and translators. Learn more