Hill Museum & Manuscript Library (HMML)

Hill Museum & Manuscript Library (HMML), located at Saint John’s University in Collegeville, MN, holds the world’s largest archive of manuscript photographs in both microfilm and digital format. HMML identifies manuscript collections around the world that need photographic preservation. HMML’s archives now contain approximately 300,000 manuscripts, ranging in size from large codices of hundreds of folios to brief documents consisting of just a few leaves. Learn more

Digital Public Library of America (DPLA)

Digital Public Library of America (DPLA) provides an easy access to digitized sources. DPLA cooperates with main libraries and educational institutes in the United States. In addition to links primary sources, the website has digital exhibitions on various themes. Learn more

Internet Archive

The Internet Archive, a non-profit, is building a digital library of Internet sites and other cultural artifacts in digital form. They provide free access to researchers, historians, scholars, the print disabled, and the general public. Today they have 20+ years of web history accessible through the Wayback Machine and work with 625+ library and other partners through the Archive-It program to identify important web pages. Learn more

Newspaper Clippings Collection

Newspaper Clippings Collection is an online newspaper archive provided by the Kobe University Digital Archive. The database includes over 300 000 clips from various newspapers in Japan from 1836 to 1944 originally collected by the Research Institute for Economics and Business Administration. The database includes original picture of each article and its text in digitized form. Learn more

National Diet Library Digital Collections

NDL Digital Collections is provided by the National Diet Library of Japan and includes many different types of documents including books, maps, scripts and audio-visual materials unedited in digitized form. These sources can be used in cultural, political and war history researches of Japan. Some of the materials in the collection require special permission from the NDL or its partner libraries but most documents are available publicly on the internet. Learn more


Japan Center for Asian Historical Records

Japan Center for Asian Historical Records is an online archive provided by National Archives of Japan and includes various sources from East Asian modern history. This database is useful for studies of the history of East Asian relationships and it has documents regarding the Pacific War, Sino-Japanese War for instance. The archive is available in English, excluding a few pages, and has all its documents’ titles also in English for the search tool. Learn more

Österreichisches Nationalbibliothek (Austrian National Library)

Österreichisches Nationalbibliothek looks back to a history rich in tradition going as far as the 14th century. It is a living bridge between the rich heritage of the past and the future-oriented demands of a modern information society. As a service-oriented information centre, the Austrian National Library offers its users access and professional advice on its own holdings (over 10.9 million objects) and also on international data pools. It also accepts commissions on scientific research, and operates documentation centres and service facilities, for example on literature specifically devoted to women’s studies. Since the beginning of the digital age, a steadily increasing number of services have been handled online via the website of the Austrian National Library. Learn more

Das Bundesarchiv (The Federal Archives of Germany)

Das Bundesarchiv has the legal mandate to secure the archives of the federal government in the long term and to make them available for use. These are documents (including files, maps, pictures, posters, films and sound recordings in analogue and digital form) that have been produced by central offices of the Holy Roman Empire (1495-1806), the German Confederation (1815-1866), of the German Reich (1867/71-1945), the Occupation Zones (1945-1949), the German Democratic Republic (1949-1990) and the Federal Republic of Germany (since 1949). Learn more