Finding feasible actions towards urban transformations

Professor Christopher Raymond

In this new paper in Nature Urban Sustainability, scholars from Utrecht University, University of Eastern Finland, Trinity College Dublin and University of Helsinki argue that an ‘inside’ view of transformations (focused on judgment in practice) is needed to complement existing ‘outside’ views (focused on assessment) if the goal is to find feasible actions toward urban sustainability transformations .  We propose a transformation pathways as both directed and stochastic, and emergent from an unfolding series of ‘fuzzy action moments’. Principles for bridging urban science and planning are discussed.

For more information, see the following video highlights:

And for the full paper see: Patterson, J., Soininen, N., Collier, M. et al. Finding feasible action towards urban transformations. npj Urban Sustain 1, 28 (2021). Full text link

About the author

Christopher is a Professor in the Ecosystems and Environment Research Programme and an Interdisciplinary Scientist who creates new policy and management options for engaging diverse actors in the design and implementation of nature-based solutions. He is globally recognised for my expertise related to the development and application of: conceptual approaches for assessing human-nature relationships; knowledge co-creation processes, and; analytical methods in the social valuation of land use and ecosystem services under global change. You can follow Christopher on Twitter, ResearchGate, and Google Scholar.

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