Place of Traineeship: Aleksanteri Institute, University of Helsinki


ICE Student: Daria Pritup

Place of Traineeship: Aleksanteri Institute, University of Helsinki

“During my two month internship at the Aleksanteri Institute I will be assigned different tasks. Firstly, I will be helping out in administration processes such as updating the Institute’s website, write emails for the mailing list, write course descriptions for the online course platform Weboodi, help out with the organization of lectures and visits, and so on.

Secondly, I will be involved in a Master’s level course on business cooperation with Russia. Part of the course is an excursion to St. Petersburg, during which I will aid a small group of students with their tasks and participate in the organization of events.

Thirdly, I will have the opportunity to travel to Stockholm for the Nordic Conference on Romani Studies and participate in the lectures. I will be given the task to write an article about it for the Institute’s newspaper Idäntutkimus. I can choose the topic I would like to focus on freely.

Fourthly, I will work as a research assistant and help out with collecting materials, some of which will be in Russian or other Slavic languages.

My goal for the internship is to get acquainted with the inner workings of university administration and how my studies in Intercultural Encounters and Area and Cultural Studies can aid me in practice. Academia is obviously a very intercultural environment, which focuses on the exchange of knowledge and experience, so I believe I can definitely use my theoretical expertise as well as intercultural competence skills. I would like to get more comfortable with independent work and creative writing as well as develop my organizational skills. I chose the Aleksanteri Institute specifically, because it is the hub of Balkan studies, which are my minor subject, and because my language skills (Russian and Bulgarian) are relevant for the job.”

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