Join the Board

We are always looking for new board members, internationals and Finns are all very welcome!! “Board” may sound fancy, but it’s actually very easy to help out with many aspects of CISSI, and you can dedicate as much time to it as you want. There are small tasks like filling up drinks at sitsit, letting people in the door, or updating this website, and there are bigger tasks like planning events, or doing paperwork like budgets, minutes and yearly reviews. Anything helps as it all needs to get done!

Benefits of being a board member

  • Develop skills in event organization, public relations, accounting or public speaking and get free training from HYY in all of those things
  • Have a say in, for example, sitsit themes and decorations or where we go hiking
  • Build a natural network among students of your faculty and far beyond
  • Skip the line at the club and get free patches and drinks for parties you helped organize
  • Get access to student organization facilities like New Student House or Kuppala for events and meetings, see the behind-the-scenes

Don’t be shy, message us at international.cissi [at] gmail [dot] com, come talk to us at an event, or come to a board meeting directly! You can also keep an eye out for deputy elections. Deputies help with CISSI things but are not as committed as board members. We have elections for deputies twice a year, and it’s a great way to see if it’s right for you.