Equality-related documents

CISSI’s Anonymous Problematic Situation Form

You can find CISSI’s Anonymous Problematic Situation Form here. If you experience any kind of discrimination, harassment or unpleasant situations within the activities of CISSI, you can report it with this form.

Kannunvalaja’s Safer Space Guidelines

Safer Space Guidelines at the 3rd floor of New Student House 

These guidelines apply for all the organizations that use the facilities of the Student Union on the 3rd floor of the New Student House (so called Kannu cluster). The guidelines are partly applicable for the activities of all organizations at Kuppala, address Snellmaninkatu 14, and all activities of Kannunvalajat at any other premises. 

All the events organized by social science organizations are meant to be safe to the participants.

The Safe Space Guidelines are a way of creating practices that allow all persons to feel welcome, safe and aware of the ways for solving uncomfortable situations instead of tolerating them.

The aim is to sustain an atmosphere that allows everyone to communicate and be present without feeling any pressure from others. Everyone present in the facilities mentioned should be aware of the ways for preventing aggressive and disruptive behavior if it occurs. If intervention seems too difficult, please, ask for a friend’s or an organizer’s help. With your action you can have a positive impact on everyone’s well-being and safety at the Kannu cluster! 

For organizers
  • All events organized at the Alina Hall must include at least four (4) chosen security guards. They must be dressed in a way that makes them easily distinguishable in a problematic situation (by wearing a safety vest, for example). The security guards must also be prepared to interrupt problematic situations independently.
  • During an event at the Kannu cluster a name list of visitors must be kept at the entrance of the 3rd floor. Only Student Union members with a valid student card are allowed to enter. 
  • The doors of the 3rd floor should be closed at all times possible. 
  • The safety of the 3rd floor is maintained in cooperation in between the organizations using the facilities of the Kannu cluster and the Alina Hall. 
  • Drinking water must be available at all events organized on the 3rd floor, also during parties at the Alina Hall. If somebody appears to be visibly intoxicated, drinking water must be served to them. 
  • The first aid kid of the 3rd floor must be perfectly equipped at all times. The organizers should check the equipment before an event and restock it if necessary. 
  • An organization that has booked a facility at Kannu cluster is responsible for monitoring the visits made to the cluster and possible thefts during their booking.
  • It is advisable to check the fire-fighting equipment and the fire alarm before organizing an event on the 3rd floor.
  • The Safe Space Guidelines should be mentioned in the invitations for events organized at the facilities of the Kannu cluster.
  • It is advisable to pay attention to the Safe Space Guidelines when organizing an event at the Alina Hall.
  • The users of the facilities of the Kannu cluster and the Alina Hall should be considerate towards each other when the facilities are in use simultaneously. 
  • If a problematic situation occurs, contact the guards of the New Student House immediately. If necessary, contact the officials. 
For participants/guests
  • Most importantly, follow the so called golden rule: treat others as you would like to be treated yourself.
  • Violence or discriminative behavior or speech are not tolerated on the 3rd floor. This includes prejudices towards the backgrounds or physical appearance of other people.
  • Don’t disturb anyone verbally or by touching or staring. “No” means refusal! Remember that you’re not aware of other people’s personal limits – you don’t  know what feels good or bad for them – unless you ask them. What you personally find comfortable might be uncomfortable for someone else. 
  • All events organized on the 3rd floor have zero tolerance for sexual harassment and any other type of harassment. If harassment occurs, instant intervention must take place and the harasser(s) must be removed from the building immediately. If you observe any type of harassment, inform the organizers immediately. 
  • Don’t make assumptions about the identity, gender, sexual orientation or other features of other people. Be aware if this kind of assumptions appear in your mind. Put the dignity of the other person before your personal prejudices. 
  • Smoking is only allowed in the smoking room of the 3rd floor. Going outside for a smoke is prohibited.
  • All toilets on the 3rd floor are unisex toilets. 
  • If you see a person who is visibly in a bad condition, don’t leave them alone. Take care of them or make sure that someone else does. 
  • All people on the 3rd floor should aim for constructive conversations: don’t judge. 
  • Give space to others! Make sure that all participants are heard in a conversation and that they won’t be excluded.
  • Be aware that a person who behaves in a weird way might not necessarily be drunk. It might also be a medical emergency, for example.
  • Take care of yourself and your belongings.
  • Spontaneous after parties at the Kannu cluster during an event at the Alina Hall are prohibited. 
  • It is not allowed to spend time on the 3rd floor without booking a facility. 
  • Kannunvalajat (Faculty of Social Sciences faculty organization) has a harassment form available for reporting about harassment faced in the activities of the organization. The form can be filled in anonymously. The equality representatives of Kannunvalajat are the only people with access to the reports submitted with the form. The Student Union of the University of Helsinki has two (2) harassment contact persons. 
  • Unfortunately, the 3rd floor is not wheelchair accessible. If you need any assistance for entering the facilities, please, contact the organizers of the event you’re going to attend. 

Contact details of the security guards of the New Student House:

– daytime phone 040 585 0791
– evening/night time phone 040 581 7574

Police and general emergency number: 112

The harassment form of Kannunvalajat 2022: 


Turvallisemman tilan periaatteet/ Safer Space Guidelines :


Contact details of the harassment contact persons of the Student Union: https://hyy.helsinki.fi/en/yhteystiedot-faq/henkilokunta

Let’s create a space where everyone feels good and safe!