
Pääpuhujat ja abstraktit

Professor Elena Nardi, University of East Anglia

Elena Nardi studied mathematics in Greece and mathematics education at the Universitiy of Cambridge. She completed her doctorate entitled The novice mathematician’s encounter with mathematical abstraction: Tensions in concept image construction and formalization was completed at Oxford University in 1996 and, after a one year postdoctoral studies at the University of Warwick, she joined the University of East Anglia in Norwich, UK. Her Springer monograph Amongst Mathematicians: Teaching and Learning Mathematics at University Level was published in 2008 and, apart from university mathematics education, she also studies affect in mathematics, secondary mathematics teachers’ epistemological and pedagogical discourses as well as public discourses on mathematics and science, particularly in the context of media and popular culture. She is currently leading the British Academy funded CAPTeaM project (Challenging Ableist Perspectives in the Teaching of Mathematics) and is joint editor-in-chief of IJRUME, the International Journal for Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education published by Springer.

Keynote abstract: In this talk, I draw on my experiences as a mathematics education researcher collaborating with research mathematicians in order to tell, and celebrate, a story of paths crossing at  four points: in research, teaching, professional development and public engagement. I discuss these four tiers of examples to propose a re-imagining of this story, not merely as a story of paths crossing – but as a story of paths ‘meeting’ at a vanishing point, a point where the boundaries between the two communities fade into insignificance, recede and may even be replaced by a strong sense of joint and multi-faceted enterprise. I conclude with indicating how this joint enterprise may look like in the near future and for action that may bring about positive and lasting change.

Keynote slides: Helsinki – Plenary Lecture – Nardi 251019

Workshop abstract: The MathTASK and CAPTeaM projects see engaging school and university teachers with challenges they are likely to face in class as an effective professional development approach. We design situation-specific tasks that emulate these challenges (mathematical reasoning, classroom management, digital resources, inclusion) and we engage teachers with these tasks in reflective workshop settings. In this workshop, we will engage with a suite of tasks the focus of which ranges from primary to university mathematics.

Professor Jouko Väänänen

Opening words

Piia Vikberg, Mäkelänrinteen lukio

Piia Vikberg toimii matematiikan opettajana Helsingissä Mäkelänrinteen lukiossa. Hän on kiinnostunut matematiikan opetuksen kehittämisestä ja on soveltanut tehostetun kisällioppimisen menetelmää lukioon. Lisäksi hän toimii Ylioppilastutkintolautakunnan matematiikan sensorina ja matematiikan aineenopettajaopiskelijoiden opettajankouluttajana Helsingin yliopistossa.

FT Jani Hannula, Helsingin yliopiston Viikin normaalikoulu

Jani Hannula on matematiikan opettaja, jonka vuonna 2019 valmistunut väitöskirjatutkimus koski matematiikan aineenopettajakoulutuksen kehittämistä ainelaitoksen näkökulmasta. Tällä hetkellä Hannula työskentelee opettajana ja opettajankouluttajana Helsingin yliopiston Viikin normaalikoulussa.

Keynote abstract: One major issue in mathematics teacher education is the role of university-level mathematics in developing teacher knowledge. Current research literature on the issue is rather firmly based on the construct of horizon content knowledge (HCK) that was originally introduced in the Mathematical Knowledge for Teaching model by Deborah Ball and colleagues. HCK includes knowledge of the connections between school mathematics and university-level mathematics. In this talk, I approach the concept of HCK using ideas and frameworks of mathematical thinking presented by David Tall and Juha Oikkonen. From this viewpoint, I discuss the role of diverse representations and advanced mathematics in teacher knowledge.