Working Papers

Here is a list  of my recent working papers:

Taxing top incomes in the emerging world. Economic impacts under the microscope‘, Joint with C. Axelson, A. Hohmann, R. Raabe and N. Riedel. UNU-WIDER WP 2024/37.

‘Migration and Tax Policy: Evidence from Finnish Full Population Data‘, with S, Kalin, I. Kauppinen, and K. Kotakorpi, CESifo WP No. 1165 (2024)

Taxpayer response to greater progressivity. Evidence from personal income tax reform in Uganda‘, with M. Jouste, T. Kaidu, J. Okello and P. Rattenhuber, FIT Working Paper 13 (2023). R&R in International Tax and Public Finance.

Distributional impacts of agricultural policies in Zambia. A microsimulation approach‘, with K. Gasior, S. Navarro, and M. Kangasniemi. WIDER Working Paper 143/2022.

A policy for the jobless youth in South Africa. Individual impacts of the Employment Tax Incentive‘, with A. Ebrahim. WIDER WP 124/2022. R&R in Journal of Development Economics.

The mitigating role of tax and benefit rescue packages for poverty and inequality in Africa amid  the COVID-19 pandemic‘, J. Lastunen et al. UNU-WIDER WP 2021/148.

‘Incentives, Health, and Retirement: Evidence from a Finnish Pension Reform’, with J. Ollonqvist, K. Kotakorpi, M. Laaksonen, Mikko, P. Martikainen, and L. Tarkiainen. VATT Working Papers 145. (2021). R&R in Health Economics.