Sites of research

Primary sites of research and locations of the case studies.

Primary sites of research and locations of the case studies.

huDepartment of Geosciences and Geography, University of Helsinki, Finland
The homebase of the project and the principal investigator. The glasses and residual minerals from the melting experiments will be analyzed for major and trace elements at DGG using electron microprobe JEOL JXA-8600 and the recently installed high-precision Agilent 7900s quadrupole ICPMS mass spectrometer equipped with Coherent GeoLas Pro MV 193 nm ArF laser-ablation system. The sample archives of the Finnish Museum of Natural History (maintained by Dr. Luttinen) are also located here.

gtkGeological Survey of Finland (GTK), Espoo, Finland
Dr. Molnár’s office and additional geochemical analysis facilities (Finnish Isotope Geosciences Laboratory) are located here. The national drill core archive, maintained by GTK, is about one-hour drive away.

Eth-zurich_logo_1Department of Earth Sciences, Swiss Federal Institute of Techonology Zürich (ETHZ), Switzerland
The home of Prof. Schmidt’s experimental petrology laboratory. The PhD student will perform melting experiments on the wallrocks of the three case studies here. Experiments are to be performed at ETHZ in piston cylinders for the pressure range of 4-10 kbar and in externally heated HfZrMo-pressure vessels (HZM) at 1-2 kbar. Experiments will be perfomed on natural powders milled to <5 micron to readily attend equilibrium at temperatures in the range of 800-1200 C. The powders will be welded into AuPd capsules, these will be cut in half after the experiment and polished for textural observation with an SEM. A second set of experiments will let the residence melt in the magma chamber interact with the partially molten country rock, for these, country rock and a (synthetic) representative melt of the mafic magma will be mixed.

CWU signature logoDepartment of Geological Sciences, Central Washington University (CWU), Ellensburg WA, United States
The home of Prof. Bohrson’s MCS modeling laboratory. Dr. Heinonen will spend most of year 2017 here under her superivsion.

ucsbwave_144Department of Earth Science, University of California Santa Barbara (UCSB), United States
The home of Prof. Spera’s MCS modeling laboratory. Dr. Heinonen will spend few months during year 2017 here under his superivsion.

Natural Resources Research Institute, University of Minnesota Duluth (UMD), United States
Scientific collaboration related to the Duluth Igneous Complex. Drill cores are stored by the Drill Core Library of the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources.

The three case studies are explained here.

