Publications & activities

Academic publications:

Haapoja J, Savolainen L, Lehtiniemi T & Reinikainen H. Moral orders of pleasing the algorithm. Manuscript submitted for publication in New Media & Society. 2024.

Savolainen L, Ruckenstein M and Stark E (forthcoming) Algorithmic folklore. In Alessandro Nai (Ed) Encyclopedia of Political Communication. Edward Elgar Publishing.

Savolainen, L. (2023) Who is the algorithm? Interfacing the social, emotional, and algorithmic. [Doctoral dissertation, University of Helsinki]

Taylor, L., Mukiri-Smith, H., Petročnik, T., Savolainen, L. & Martin, A. (2022) (Re)making data markets: an exploration of the regulatory challenges. Law, Innovation & Technology. DOI: 10.1080/17579961.2022.2113671.

Savolainen, L. & Ruckenstein, M. (2022). Dimensions of autonomy in human-algorithm relations. New Media & Society. DOI: 10.1177/14614448221100802.

Savolainen, L. (2022). The shadow banning controversy: perceived governance and algorithmic folklore. Media, Culture & Society. DOI: 10.1177/01634437221077174.

Savolainen, L.  (2022). Dirty, toxic, dumped: waste as data metaphor. In Kuntsman, A. and Xin, L. (Eds.) Digital Politics, Digital Histories, Digital Futures. Bingley: Emerald.

Savolainen, L., Trilling, D. & Liotsiou, D. (2020). Delighting and detesting engagement: emotional politics of junk news. Social Media + Society. DOI: 10.1177/2056305120972037.

Savolainen, L., Uitermark, J. & Boy, J. (2020). Filtering feminisms: emergent feminist visibilities on Instagram. New Media & Society. DOI: 10.1177/1461444820960074.

Other writing:

Algoritmit heijastavat niitä ympäröivää yhteiskuntaa.” [Algorithms reflect the society around them] Ilmiö Media, December 2021.

Savolainen, L. & Laaksonen, S-M. “Entä jos sosiaaliset kuplat eivät estä keskustelua verkossa vaan sytyttävät sitä?” [What if filter bubbles do not prevent discussion online, but ignite it?] Rajapinta blog, September 2021.

Instagram-feminismi ja näkyvyyden politiikka.” [Instagram-feminism and the politics of online visibility] Rajapinta blog, March 2021.

Roskauutisten tunnelogiikka.” [Emotional logic of junk news] Rajapinta blog, December 2020.

Art projects:

ABSence #1.” Edited publication for the Whelming until it’s over -exhibition at Caisa Gallery (Helsinki), 3.–30.3.2023.

Podcast episodes:

2024 – Millaista valtaa digijäteillä on? [What kind of power do digital giants have?]. Tiedekulma-podcast. 

2022 – Miten sosiaalisen median algoritmit ohjaavat meitä? [How do social media algorithms steer us?] Kulutuksen vallassa -podcast [Podcast of the Centre for Consumer Society Research]. 10 December. 

2022 – Algoritmien politiikka [Politics of algorithms]. Poliittinen talous -podcast [Political Economy -podcast]. 3 July. 


Laura teaches the MA-level courses Datafication – Critical perspectives and Emotions and Technology in Consumer Society at the University of Helsinki.


Laura is a reviewer for journals including New Media & Society, Big Data & Society, and Information, Communication and Society. She has also acted as a board member of the Rajapinta-association, a researcher community focused on digital social sciences.