
Call for papers open (deadline 10th March, 2019)

The organizers invite paper proposals for a number of central themes relating to the topic. The issues addressed are:

– Food distribution and the annona;
– Taxation;
– Socio-legal structure of maritime enterprises;
– Administration and regulation of port environments
– Risks and hazards of seafaring (e.g. piracy)
– Financing maritime trade
– Stockage and warehousing
– Freedom of navigation and the administration of trade (migration, control of movement)
– Interaction between native and Roman law (issues of compliance and enforcement, dispute
The proposals should be 400-500 words long and accompanied by a short CV of the author.

There is no conference fee. The organizers are unfortunately unable to aid in either travel arrangements or the cost of travel. The deadline for abstracts is March 10th, 2019. The proposals should be sent to