
Dr. Leena Malkki is a historian and political scientist specialised in terrorism and political violence. Her areas of interest include terrorism in western countries, disengagement from terrorist campaigns, resilience to political violence, lone actor terrorism and leaderless resistance, school shootings, the development of Finnish counter-terrorism policy and counterradicalisation programmes in the European countries.

Dr. Malkki is currently the Director of the Centre for European Studies at the University of Helsinki.

Current projects

INDEED – Evidence-Based Model for Evaluation of Radicalisation Prevention and Mitigation (Horizon 2020)

VORTEX – Coping with Varieties of Radicalization into Terrorism and Extremism (Marie Sklodowska-Curie Doctoral Network)

Contact information

E-mail: name.surname@helsinki.fi

Tel: +358-9-294128880 (office)

Gsm: +358-50-3182158


Photo credit: Cata Portin