My full CV can be found here (updated 10.03.2023).



2021–now   University of Helsinki (Finland)
Academy of Finland postdoctoral researcher grant: AERGELC’H project*
– Investigation of particle precipitation with the Vlasiator magnetospheric model
– Quantification of global energy input into the ionosphere during magnetospheric substorms
– Evaluation of substorm effects on local atmospheric chemistry at high latitudes
*Aergelc’h is the Breton word for “atmosphere” [from aer (“air”) + kelc’h (“circle”)].



2018–2021University of Helsinki (Finland)
Postdoctoral researcher (on FORESAIL project; PI: M. Palmroth)
– Survey of particle precipitation with the Vlasiator magnetospheric model
– Analysis of citizen scientists’ photographs to study a new form of aurora, the “dunes”
– Member of the Daedalus spacecraft (ESA phase-0 mission) Science Team

2013–2017Sodankylä Geophysical Observatory (Finland)
PhD student
– Studies of the effects of solar wind high-speed streams on the ionosphere
– Development of ionospheric and radio-wave propagation numerical models

2013–2017IRAP (Toulouse, France) and ESA/ESTEC (Noordwijk, Netherlands)
Research assistant
– Master’s thesis on simulation of radio-occultation experiments between the Earth and Mars



2013–2017Double PhD degree in Space Physics
University of Oulu Graduate School (Finland) and Université Toulouse III Paul Sabatier (France)
– Included a semester (Jan–May 2015) taking MSc/PhD-level Arctic Geophysics courses at the University Centre in Svalbard (UNIS)

2009–2013Double Master’s degree in Space Physics and Space Engineering
ISAE-SUPAERO (Toulouse, France) and Université Toulouse III Paul Sabatier
– MSc in Astrophysics, Space Science and Planetology (Mention TB)
– “Diplôme d’ingénieur” SUPAERO, majors in Space Engineering and Numerical Simulation