
The overall theme of the workshop series is Sustainable consumption, everyday life and social change. The more specific themes of each two-day workshop are respectively (1) contemporary research in the Nordic countries, (2) future theoretical and methodological challenges, and (3) policy and interventions.

In each workshop, two keynote presentations will be given on a specific topic. There will be time allocated for joint discussions on these topics, as well as sessions in which research plans, conference presentations and article manuscripts are discussed in smaller groups that can focus on, for example, particular fields of consumption (e.g. energy, food, transport). Time is dedicated for planning future collaboration among workshop participants, such as research project proposals, conference sessions and streams, and joint articles.

Contemporary research in the Nordic countries. April 2020 at the University of Helsinki, Finland. The first workshop of the series focuses on the current research in consumption and daily life, and the ways to understand and direct social change. One of the aims of the workshop is to understand the ways inter- and transdisciplinarity could be better utilised in research to understand contemporary consumption and social life. Time is also devoted for the participants to express their expectations regarding the workshop series.

Future theoretical and methodological challenges. December 2020 at the Aalborg University in Copenhagen, Denmark. The second workshop is devoted to development of practice theories and the current theoretical and methodological challenges. Some of the current challenges have been identified in literature (e.g. Keller et al., 2016), but the aim of the workshop is to find ways to overcome these challenges and thus to further develop the theory to better respond to the needs for social change (Hansen, 2016; Jensen and Quitzau, 2017).

Policy and interventions. August 2021 at the Uppsala University, Sweden. The last workshop of the series focuses on the ways social practice approach could be utilised in policymaking and policy interventions. A number of practice-based interventions already exists (e.g. Jack 2013; Laakso 2019), but one of the aims of the workshop is to discuss how these interventions could better inform policy, and what mechanisms should be used to upscale
the outcomes.