
Upcoming events:

NPVN Workshop 2

Programme TBA


Past events:

NPVN Workshop 1

University of Helsinki

To initiate the network, we are hosting a one-day workshop at the University of Helsinki. The workshop will include talks from invited guest speakers as well as working in small multidisciplinary groups to set an agenda for the network. The workshop aims to explore the following themes:

  • dysfunctional, distressing, and destructive human actions in diverse institutional settings
  • identification and naming of non-physical violence
  • the concrete patterns and forms of non-physical violence and their meanings in abusive interpersonal relationships
  • the cultural or communal beliefs and values related to non-physical violence
  • normative aspects of non-physical violence
  • relations of power and institutional structures connected to non-physical violence
  • ethical issues pertinent to research (incl. researcher’s well-being)
  • new methodologies


  • Oula Silvennoinen, University of Helsinki: Researchers and Harassment in the Finnish Context
  • Aini Linjakumpu: Hengellisen väkivallan tutkimus/Research on spiritual violence
  • Natalie Kouri-Towe, Simone de Beavoir institute, Concordia University: Transformative Approaches to Addressing Power and Violence in the Classroom