Face perception and memory

One of the core processes in our cognitive system is working memory, a capacity-limited and temporary memory storage that requires active maintenance of the remembered material. Behavioural studies suggest that memory limitations arise from the precision of stored representations, and neuroimaging studies have localized visual memory representations in the visual cortex to the same areas that are used for the perception of these features. Most of these studies have investigated memory precision and representations of primary visual features and shapes. In this project, we study neural representations of faces and precision of face memory.

We use methods of psychophysics, computational modelling, neuroimaging (both EEG and fMRI), and multivariate data analysis methods. We measure memory precision for facial features, face identity and facial emotions using morphed faces. We use multivariate pattern analysis methods to study face representations during perception and memory maintenance. Finally, the role of face memory precision in prosopagnosia will be tested.

Principal investigator: Viljami Salmela