Aleksanteri Conference 2022

26th-28th October 2002. The annual Aleksanteri Conference gave members of the Yugoslavian Prison Nationalism had the opportunity to present their findings to the broad section of the academic, civil society and foreign affairs community that attended this year’s conference. The theme of the conference arising out of the war in Ukraine was entitled “The New Age of Insecurity”. The project members gave papers in two panels: “War and Repression. Russia´s War against Ukraine in Discursive, Comparative and Legal Perspective” and “The Role of Penalty in Post-Community State Formation in Former Soviet and Yugoslavian space”. Brendan Humphreys gave the paper, Incarceration and Population Expulsion: Patterns from the Balkan and Ukraine Wars and Olga Kantokoski presented The Western Balkan Model of Carceral Punishment in the Context of the Penal Programme of Modernity. PI Judith Pallot’s presentation was Violence and Repression: the Carceral Fate of the Opponents of the War in Ukraine.

28th October. At the closing ceremony of the Aleksanteri Conference we were able to announce that Gulagechoes and Yugoslavian Prison Nationalism have been chosen to be the co-organisers of the Aleksanteri conference together with the law Faculty’s Development in post-Soviet law group. The conference’s theme will be: “Decolonising space in the global east: Legal choices, Political Transformation, Carceral practices”. The members of the organising committee explained the theme of the conference and expressed the hope that they would see everyone back at the Aleksanteri at the same time next year.

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