Registeration & fees

Pre-registration is now closed!

Pre-registration is not binding and we recommend all participants to register for the list of participants now.  By pre-registering, you also make sure you get the official invitation and other important information among the first. To pre-register you can click on this link.

Who can attend the Solemn Conferment?
In order to attend the solemn conferment, you have to graduate on spring 2022 (the exact day will be updated later), at the latest. In other words, the grade of your PhD or Master’s thesis must be decided in the Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry on spring 2022 (the exact day will be updated later), at the latest. NB! Also the students graduating in the spring 2022 have to register on 30th April at the latest!

The registration will be binding.

In case your avec will also receive a degree in the solemn conferment, both of you have to fill in the registration form. If your avec does not receive a degree, fill her / his name and possible special diet in your registration form.

The Fees

The total costs of the solemn conferment ceremonies are 270€ per person.  Total costs includes all ceremonies (laurel wreath-weaving dinner for Masters / sword-whetting dinner for Doctors, conferment ceremony, conferment dinner, journey to the countryside,  conferment ball, and the nocturnal statue tour after the ball).

The fees are equal, even if you don’t attend every event of the three-day ceremony. The registration fee will not be refunded in case of cancellation. If the participation fee has not been paid by the last payment date, the participation will be cancelled.

Welcome to the Conferment Ceremonies!

For more details please contact by e-mail: