In English

Here you can find an English summary of the Solemn Conferment (Promotion Festival) held in 2022.

  • Basic info

The Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry organizes from the 16th to the 18th of June, 2022 the traditional Solemn Conferment of Master’s and Doctor’s Degrees. All Masters of Science (Agr. & For. or Food Sciences) and Doctors of Science (Agr. & For. or Food Sciences) who have received their degree after Solemn Conferment in June 2014 are cordially invited. Also Doctors of Philosophy (Dr. Sc.) who have studied in the Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry are invited to the ceremonies. Conferment ceremonies are a beautiful and festive celebration at the end of the academic studies.

One part of the traditions is a fairly strict dress code, see enclosure. Obeying the dress code gives a very special atmosphere. Please remember that the doctors should order their doctor’s hats and swords in good time.

Join the beautiful academic tradition of the University of Helsinki in June 2022!