Some interesting old books

Talking this morning with Fang we thought that instead of me e-mailing her some links we were talking about, I would post them here.

Many books whose copyright has expired have been scanned and made available on the internet. One good place to search is The Internet Archive. If you are looking for Darwin’s books The Complete Works of Charles Darwin Online is also a good source.

Here are some examples:

Francis Lloyd’s Physiology of Stomata from 1908.

Charles Darwin’s The Power of Movement in Plants from 1898.

Loftfield’s The Behavior of Stomata from 1921.

Francis Darwin and Edward H. Acton’s Practical Physiology of Plants from 1901.

Wilhelm Pfefer’s The physiology of plants: a treatise upon the metabolism and sources of energy in plantsvolume 1 from 1900, volume 2 from 1903.

Julius Sachs Text-book of botany : morphological and physiological from 1882.

And the very nice colour illustrations I was telling Fang about are in Charles Darwin’s The Zoology of the Voyage of H.M.S. Beagle published between 1838 and 1843.

3 Replies to “Some interesting old books”

  1. Thanks for sharing! I also found those pictures from the . When looking through these old books, I was amazed how they could think so far away one hundred year ago! I hope we can talk more about their opinions and our new developments in the blog. It will be inspiring!

  2. Of the three books at the top of this list I have copies in my office. They are available if anybody wants to see them.

  3. I learnt from a course:
    Nelli database ( has some links that we can find old English books, like ECCO or EEBO. Hope it helps to find something. And Nelli can be logged in with your own computer at home.

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