Practical Info

Conference venue:  University of Helsinki, Metsätalo Building. Please use the main entrance at Fabianinkatu 39. The site is easily accessed by metro, buses and trams. For more details please visit the Helsinki city traffic company’s website:

The registration fee includes admission to all sessions and panels, name tag, printed program leaflet, certificate of participation (available for request) and refreshments during coffee breaks (Thursday morning and afternoon, Friday morning).

An informal get-together open for all participants is organized on Wednesday evening, beginning at 6pm at Sori Taproom. The event is a joint meeting for our participants and the participants of the NOS-HS Workshop Sustainable linguistics: theories and method.

Please note that the symposium dinner is only for pre-registered participants.

Lunch is available at your own expense at several locations around Metsätalo. Some options below:

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