
Program, updated 24th at 11:00.

Wednesday 23rd of August: 18:00 Informal get-together at Sori Taproom, opportunity to network also with paricipants of the NOS-HS Workshop Sustainable linguistics: theories and methods.

Thursday 24th of August
Lecture Room 4 Lecture Room 7
8:00– Registration in the lobby of the Lecture Room 4
8:45–9:00 Opening Words (Susanna Virtanen, Csilla Horváth, Ilona Kivinen)
9:00–10:30 Keynote 1. Pigga Keskitalo: Supporting Linguistically Conscious Teaching in Endangered Sami Languages Context
10:30–11:00 Coffee in the lobby of the Lecture Room 4
Session 1. Chair: Susanna Virtanen Session 2. Chair: Csilla Horváth
11:00-11:30 Rießler, Michael: A half century of Kildin Saami orthography
11:30-12:00 Asi Talatini, Frank: Improving literacy by developing more resources in the ‘Uvean language Føreland, Line Reichel and Äärelä-Vihriälä, Rauni:  Enhancing language acquisition through game- and land-based learning in Sámi classrooms
12:00-12:30 Edygarova, Svetlana: Using sociolinguistic knowledge in teaching of minority languages (on the example of the Udmurt and Komi languages) Hammine, Madoka: Indigenous language learning and emotions in Ryukyuan language reclamation: An observation of new speakers
12:30–13:30 Lunch break
Session 3. Chair: Svetlana Edygarova Session 4. Chair: Outi Tánczos
13:30-14:00 Kivinen, Ilona: The teaching materials at the university level North Saami teaching Leisiö, Larisa: Indigenous peoples of Northern Siberia: a hundred-year path of school education and identity transformation
14:00-14:30 Langgård, Per: Providing comprehensible input where comprehensible input is unreachable: Teaching polysynthetic Greenlandic L2 Maryniak, Joanna and Jablonskji, Artúr: Legal, social and practical aspects of teaching the Kashubian language on the example of the bilingual school Naja Szkòła in Wejherowo
14:30-15:00 Woldesenbet, Petros Woldegiorgis: Mother tongue education and language shift: The Paradox of Kafi Noonoo Virtanen, Susanna and Horváth, Csilla: Лылыӈ ла̄тыӈ – Living Language. Beginners’ Mansi textbook for foreigners
15:00-15:30 Coffee in the lobby of the Lecture Room 4
15:30–16:00 Äärelä-Vihriälä, Rauni: Strengthening the use of Sámi languages in a multilingual Sámi kindergarten
16:00-16:30 Woldesenbet, Petros Woldegiorgis: Bonga University: The 6 Years Journey
18:00 Symposium Dinner at Sunn (Aleksanterinkatu 26, 2nd floor). For pre-registered participants only.


Friday 25th of August  
  Lecture Room 4  Lecture Room 7 
8:00–   Registration in the lobby of the Lecture Room 4   


Lecture Room 7 available for appointments and informal discussions. 

9:00–10:30  Keynote 2. Nicole Dołowy-Rybińska: Bilingual education as a challenge for minority language revitalization and maintenance. The case of Upper Lusatia, Germany 
10:30–11:00  Coffee in the lobby of the Lecture Room 4 
  Session 5. Chair: Csilla Horváth 


11:00-11:30  Ijas, Silja: Reviving Ainu through te ataarangi method on Zoom 





Lecture Room 7 available for appointments and informal discussions. 



Benini Moézia de Lima, Bianca: (Re)construction and (re)creation of Indigenous languages: a comparative-critical analysis 


Gruzdeva Ekaterina: Revitalization of Amuric languages: Learning from experience 
12:30-14:45  Lunch break 
14:45-15:30  University of Helsinki, Main Building, Unioninkatu 34  , Lecture Room U4072 (4th Floor) (please note that this is another building).
Panel discussion: On the role of scholars in supporting minority language education initiatives. In cooperation with the NOS-HS Workshop Sustainable linguistics: theories and methods ( Participants: Nicole Dołowy-Rybińska (Polish Academy of Sciences), Pigga Keskitalo (University of Lapland), Hilde Sollid (UiT the Arctic University of Norway) & Sami Honkasalo (University of Helsinki).