Simo Knuuttila Colloquium


We are pleased to invite you to Simo Knuuttila Colloquium on June 15–16.

Simo Knuuttila served as Professor of Theological Ethics and Philosophy of Religion at the University of Helsinki from 1981 to 2014. His colleagues and friends were deeply saddened by his passing away in June 2022. To honor Knuuttila’s memory and philosophical career, the Faculty of Theology, the Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies (HCAS), and the Philosophical Society of Finland organize a two-day colloquium in June 2023. The colloquium features talks that either directly engage with particular aspects of Knuuttila’s work or address themes that were pervasive in his research. The keynote speakers of the event are Martha C. Nussbaum (University of Chicago) and John Marenbon (University of Cambridge). The scope of Knuuttila’s research and expertise was exceptionally broad, covering ancient and medieval theories of mind and modality, philosophy of time, as well as philosophical theories of emotions. He was the author of Modalities in Medieval Philosophy (Routledge 1993), Emotions in Ancient and Medieval Philosophy (OUP 2004), and numerous scholarly articles, which received international critical acclaim.

The colloquium will take place at the Common Room of the Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies (Fabianinkatu 24 A, 3rd floor) and the Faculty Hall of the Faculty of Theology (Vuorikatu 3, 5th floor).

All are welcome to attend the colloquium and the Simo Knuuttila inMemoriam event, which closes the colloquium. There is no registration fee, but participants are kindly asked to pre-register by May 31, 2023 at For further information, please contact




Common Room, Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies (HCAS), 3rd Floor (Fabianinkatu 24, Helsinki)


Simo Knuuttila in memoriam Reception

Faculty Hall, Faculty of Theology, University of Helsinki, 5th Floor (Vuorikatu 3, Helsinki)




15 JUNE 2023


9.15 Hanne Appelqvist: Opening

Mika Perälä: Simo Knuuttila as a Commentator of Aristotle’s Philosophical Treatises

Commentator: Marke Ahonen

Chair: Filipe da Silva


Eyjolfur Emilsson: Dualist, Idealist or Something Else? Plotinus on the Ontological Status of the Sensible World

Commentator: Miira Tuominen

Chair: Filipe da Silva

11.30–12.00 Coffee
12.00–13.30 Keynote Adress

Martha C. Nussbaum: Aristotle’s De Motu Animalium, Yesterday and Today

Commentator: Sara Heinämaa

Chair: Sami Pihlström

13:30–15:00 Lunch
15.00–16.00 Jari Kaukua: Modal Logic and Modal Metphysics: An Avicennian Disctinction

Commentator: Janne Mattila

Chair: Vesa Hirvonen

16.00–17.00 Ritva Palmén: The philosophy of Love and Compassion in the Middle Ages

Commentator: Risto Saarinen

Chair: Vesa Hirvonen

17.00–18.00 Reception (HCAS Common Room)

16 JUNE 2023


10.00–11.00 Keynote Address

John Marenbon: Medieval Modalities: Is there still a Story to Tell?

Commentator: Filipe da Silva

Chair: Juhana Toivanen

11.30–13.00 Lunch

Ilkka Niiniluoto: How to Study the History of Philosophy

Commentator: Sami Pihlström

Chair: Hanne Appelqvist


Gabriel Sandu: Simo Knuuttila on Factual Necessity

Commentator: Tuomo Aho

Chair: Hanne Appelqvist

15:00–15:30 Coffee



Henrik Lagerlund: John Mair’s Logical Grammar of Modality

Commentator: Mikko Yrjönsuuri

Chair: Virpi Mäkinen


Leila Haaparanta: On Asserting That God Exists

Commentator: Timo Koistinen

Chair: Virpi Mäkinen




Reception hosted by the Faculty of Theology

Simo Knuuttila in memoriam

Please note the venue: Faculty Hall, Vuorikatu 3, Floor 5b