
2024, journal articles, edited books and book chapters

Aden H, Fazekas J, Lennon G, Mouhanna C, Himanen M, Piening M, Bosch A. (2024). External Accountability: The Limited Influence of Oversight Bodies on the Governance of Police Stops. In Governing Police Stops Across Europe, Ed. E. Aston, S. De Kimpe, J. Fazekas, G. Lennon & M. Rowe, (pp. 83-121).
Jungar, Ann-Cathrine ed. (2024). The Nordic Populist Radical Right: Voters, Ideology, and Political Interactions. United Kingdom: Taylor & Francis Ltd.
Lennon G, Himanen M, Marks E, Mouhanna C. (2024). Stop in the Name of the Law: The Legal Regulation of Police Stops in Europe. Governing Police Stops Across Europe. (pp. 19-52).
Lundstedt M, Nissen A. (2024). A dilemma of visibility: discursive opportunities, audiences, and anti-migrant protest strategy. Social Movement Studies,


2023, journal articles and book chapters

Bauvois G, Pyrhönen N. (2023). In Search for Unexpected Allies? Radical Right Remediation of ‘the 2015 Refugee Crisis’ on Social Media. Europe in the Age of Post-Truth Politics – Populism, Disinformation and the Public Sphere, ed. by Conrad M., Hálfdanarson G, Michailidou A, Galpin C, Pyrhönen N. (pp. 223-243). Springer.

Conrad M., Hálfdanarson G, Michailidou A, Galpin C, Pyrhönen N. (Ed.) (2023). Europe in the Age of Post-Truth Politics – Populism, Disinformation and the Public Sphere. Springer.

Keskinen, S. and Himanen, M. (2023): Human Rights, Criminalisation of Migrants and Racism Debates: Public Discussions about Police Stops and Ethnic Profiling in Finland. In de Maillard, Jacques, Rowe, Mike & Verfaillie, Kristof (eds) The Politicization of Police Stops in Europe. Public Issues and Police Reform. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

Keşkekci D, Nissen A. (2023). Defend Europe and Transnational Activism. In Global Identitarianism, by Zúquete, J.P. & Marchi R., (pp. 75-89). Routledge.

Meret, Susi. (2023). “The impact of the Russia-Ukraine War on Right-Wing Populism in Europe. The case of Denmark.” In: The Impacts of the Russian Invasion of Ukraine on Right-wing Populism in Europe. (eds). Gilles Ivaldi and Emilia Zankina. European Center for Populism Studies (ECPS). March 8, 2023. Brussels.

2023, Conference papers

Himanen, M. (2023): Survey of three Finnish police departments: Implications of colour-blindness and procedural justice in police organisations. Presentation at the 51st EG Annual Conference “The Violence of Law” 30.08.2023 – 01.09.2023,  University of Turku, Turku, Finland.

Himanen, M. (2023): EMMA Talks: Kenen turvallisuus? A panel discussion on private security, discrimination and human rights: EMMA Talks: Kenen turvallisuus? 24.03.2023. Taidemuseo Emma, Espoo, Finland.

2022, journal articles and book chapters

Agustín, Ó. G., Anita Nissen. (2022). The Anti-Restrictions Movement and the Populist Counterpublics in Denmark. PArtecipazione e conflitto, pp. 741-760

Awad, S., Nicole Doerr, Anita Nissen. (2022). Far-right boundary construction towards the “other”: Visual communication of Danish People’s Party on social media. British Journal of Sociology, 73 (5), pp. 985-1005

Aldrin Salskov, S., Backström, J. & Creutz, K. (2022) From angry monologues to engaged dialogue? On self-reflexivity, critical discursive psychology and studying polarised conflict. In Pettersson, K. & Nortio, E. (eds.) The far-right discourse of multiculturalism in intergroup interactions – A critical discursive perspective. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.

Backlund A, (2022). State repression of racist associations: Dilemmas of tolerance in the Nordic countries. Scandinavian Political Studies,

Backström, J., Creutz. K. & Pyrhönen, N. (2022) Making enemies: Reactive dynamics of discursive polarization. In Pettersson, K. & Nortio, E. (eds.) The far-right discourse of multiculturalism in intergroup interactions – A critical discursive perspective. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.

Himanen, M. & Creutz, K. (2022): Turvattomuuden tuotantoa? Muslimit ekstremismin torjunnan ja valikoivan kontrollin kohteina. In Pauha, Teemu & Johanna Konttori (eds.). Suomalaiset muslimit. Helsinki: Gaudeamus.

Jungar Ann-Cathrine, (2022). Popuism: A Silent Counterrevolution?. In Cananau Iulian, Thalen Peter (Ed.), Populism, Democracy, and the Humanities Interdisciplinary Explorations and Critical Enquiries. London:Rowman & Littlefield

Jungar Ann-Cathrine, Herkman Juha. (2021). Populism and media and communication studies in the Nordic countries. In Skogerbø, E., ., Power, Communication, and Politics in the Nordic Countries . (pp. 241-261). Gothenburg:Nordikom.

Meret S., Nissen A.. (2021). The Danish People’s Party and the Far-Right Scene. In Sørensen Nørlem, R., The Danish People’s Party and Far-Right Scene. (pp. 21-30). Brussels:The Democracy in Europe Organisation (DEO).

Nissen, Anita (2022). Europeanisation of the Contemporary Far Right: Generation Identity and Fortress Europe. United Kingdom: Taylor & Francis Ltd.

Susi Meret , Anita Nissen. (2021). State of Hate. Country Denmark. London: HOPE not Hate Charitable Trust

Schclarek Mulinari, L. & Keskinen, S. (2022) Racial profiling in the racial welfare state: Examining the order of policing in the Nordic regionTheoretical Criminology 26(3), 377-395.

Törnberg A., Anita Nissen. (2022). Mobilizing against Islam on social media: Hyperlink networking among European far-right extra-parliamentary Facebook groups. Information, Communication & Society,

2021, journal articles and book chapters

Albertazzi Daniele, Vampa Davide, (2021). Populism and New Patterns of Political Competition in Western Europe.

Brandal Nik, Bratberg Oivind, Thorsen Dag Einar, (2021). Social Democracy in the 21st Century. United Kingdom: Emerald Publishing Limited

Himanen, Markus (2021). An Ambiguous Ban on Ethnic Profiling: Reforming  Immigration Law Enforcement at the Juncture of Non-Discrimination Norms and Migration. Nordic journal of studies in policing 8 (2), p. 1-18. 18 p.

Himanen, M., (2021). Turvallisuus ja institutionaalinen rasismi: Etninen ja rodullinen syrjintä poliisitoiminnassa. In Keskinen S, Seikkula M, Mkwesha F (Ed.), Rasismi, valta ja vastarinta: Rodullistaminen, valkoisuus ja koloniaalisuus Suomessa . (pp. 185–197). Helsinki:Gaudeamus.

Jungar Ann-Cathrine, Herkman Juha. (2021). Populism and media and communication studies in the Nordic countries. In Skogerbø, E., ., Power, Communication, and Politics in the Nordic Countries . (pp. 241-261). Gothenburg:Nordikom.

Koikkalainen S, Pyrhönen N, Wahlbeck Ö. (2021). Public Opinion on Migration and the Role of the Media in the Context of the “European Refugee Crisis”. Local Integration of Migrants Policy – European Experiences and Challenges. (pp. 285-309).

Meret S., Nissen A.. (2021). The Danish People’s Party and the Far-Right Scene. In Sørensen Nørlem, R., The Danish People’s Party and Far-Right Scene. (pp. 21-30). Brussels: The DEmocracyin Europe Organisation (DEO).

Susi Meret , Anita Nissen. (2021). State of Hate. Country Denmark. London: HOPE not Hate Charitable Trust.

Conference papers

Participation in Nordic Conference on Violent Extremism 2021 (Karin Creutz, Anita Nissen & Niko Pyrhönen).

Himanen, M. (2021). Racial Equality Awareness of the Finnish Police. 2 Dec 2021. The 18th Society for the Study of Ethnic Relations and International Migration (ETMU) conference, University of Oulu, Finland, on 2-3 December 2021.

Popularized publications

Himanen, Markus & Saarikkomäki, Elsa (2022) Syrjintää rikosoikeusjärjestelmässä tarkasteltava moniulotteisesti ja vertailevasti. Haaste 4/2022.

Himanen M, Solhjell R. (2022). Vos papiers s’il vout plait. Episode 4.. Brussels: A podcast by COST Action POLSTOPS.