Visiting researcher – Ilya Yablokov

In the beginning of April, the STRAPPA project is hosting visiting researcher Ilya Yablokov from the University of Leeds.  During his stay, he will present his research on conspiracy theories and Russian state-broadcaster RT at our seminar ‘Persuasion, Conspiracy and the Securitisation of Information in Russia and Beyond’ on 4 April.

Dr. Ilya Yablokov is a Lecturer at the University of Leeds. He is a specialist in Media and Communication Studies and the history of Russian media. He has conducted numerous studies in this field, principally employing media analysis methodology and in-depth interviews of Russian journalists. His book Fortress Russia: Conspiracy Theories in the Post-Soviet World (Polity, 2018) studies how Russian political and intellectual elites develop and disseminate conspiracy theories through the media. Currently, Ilya is working on a monograph analyzing the output of Russia’s international broadcaster Russia Today.

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