Enhancement of HEI’s Regional Impact and Best Practices

Session questions(s):

– As HEI’s has also a role as regional developer, how you see the current situation and our impact among our stakeholders (Entrepreuners, communities, public sector etc)?

– How HEI’s can enhance the green transition and sustainability among the stakeholders in their region, best practices?

– What possibilities we can have to enhance the knowledge and attitude towards sustainability?

– Best practices to attract entrepreneurs to collaborate or attend in the workshops, webinars, seminars, or other activities, which are meant to increase the awareness?


Session description:

The main topics of the session were: How HEI’s can enhance the green transition and sustainability in their region via open platform studies or uninformal learning? Best practices?, Best examples of collaboration of HEI and stakeholder, e.g. considering increase of knowledge outside courses or educational programmes?, and Best practices to attract stakeholders to collaborate with HEI to enhance regional impact?

Discussion group had member from different countries and we had a opportunity to share the best collaboration practises in use in universities as well as in universities of applied sciences. We had a Padlet to share the examples, but the discussion was so frutiful that the coordinator of the table wrote down the memo and examples during the discussion.


Session lesson(s):

Key take-aways were to enhance positive impacting and HEI’s visibility in their region and networks (e.g. coming out of campuses, arranging seminars or workshops places people are already familiar with). Alumni can be like science diplomats and HEI’s should try to courage collaboration via them. We can show that science and research can be also fun and interesting in a easy way that we can lower the steps to come to get familiar with us. HEI’s collaboration together is also important, we don’t want to do overlapping work, and collaboration also supports the common goal we are sharing to make us more visible with the different stakeholders.

Some examples already in use:
– Arbonauts, alumni work
– Science Nights in several universities, “Technical Thursdays” seminars, etc.
– Tuni collaboration with Tampere Hall, monthly open events with different themes, e.g. project arrange presentation, workshop etc.
– Climate University collaboration
– “Tieto kiertoon”-model in Finland
– Primary School and Secondary education mentor projects, visiting scientists in class and courses
– Systematic collaboration agreement with local companies, HEI provides opportunity to tell about the business, and staff and students can build up new networks


Session keyword(s):

sustainability entrepreneurs, circular economy, green transition, collaboration


Sanna Tyni

Lapland University of Applied Sciences

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