19.1. Human-wildlife conflicts and wild animals


First in the morning we chose one of us to get the title of Ms or Mr Kasigau based on the most encouraging attitude during the Kasigau hike. The winner of the title was chosen by all of us by voting anonymously and the winner got six votes and won a cool Kasigau T-shirt.

We started the day by visiting Kenya Wildlife Service in Voi where we had a really informative lecture about human-wildlife conflicts in Taita-Taveta county. We heard about animals which have most conflicts with humans in the area and how these conflicts could be prevented.

Kenya Wildlife Service in Voi

After the visit in Kenya Wildlife Service we visited Tsavo East National Park and drove through the park to the lodge to have drinks and lunch. During our visit in the national park we saw many beautiful animals like giraffes, dikdiks, elephants, zebras, impalas, gerenuks and many interesting birds and we enjoyed the delicious food with each other.

Cameras ready
Elephants crossing the road

It was nice to have physically more relaxing day after the long hike we had day before in the Kasigau and just enjoy the interesting lecture we had in Kenya Wildlife Service and beautiful scenery and animals in the national park. The drive back from the lodge was occasionally loud because some of the students wanted to show off their talents in singing. Feeling sorry for bus driver and those students who just wanted to have relaxing bus drive.