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I am a postdoctoral researcher / philosopher at the Network for European Studies, Department of Political and Economic Studies. I am specialized in phenomenology and continental philosophy but I also have an interest in European issues: EU politics, history, and questions of identity and culture. I have previously worked in a philosophy department as well as multidisciplinary environments such as the Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies.

You can find my publications and activities in here: TUHAT-tietokanta.

For articles, check out my academia.edu page

Philosophy. I have a background in Husserlian phenomenology. My doctoral dissertation The Idea of Europe in Husserl’s Phenomenology: A Study in Generativity and Historicity (2013) was focused on the Europe-texts of late Husserl. In short, the work was based on the argument according to which Husserl’s late reflections on Europe should not be treated as mere analyses of contemporary criticism, but as serious phenomenological reflections on the particular topics of generativity and historicity, that is, those forms of meaning-creation that take place in interpersonal, intergenerational and geo-historical processes of co-operation. Through his reflections on Europe, I argued, Husserl reformulated his phenomenological project in order to account for its intersubjective, historical and normative dimensions. The work received the highest possible grade in the Finnish university standards (laudatur).

My current research project examines the genealogy of thephilosophical concept of Europe from the period of the Enlightenment to the early twentieth century. It analyzes and explicates the accommodation of the concept of Europe in the framework of modern philosophy of history, which provided the basic theoretical framework for the teleological or narrative idea of Europe. By doing so, the study aims to deepen the contemporary debates on the creation of the “cultural idea” of Europe as a universalistic/cosmopolitan “peace project”.

Publications. Alongside with the dissertation and the forthcoming monograph, my most important publications include “Edmund Husserl’s Europe: Borders, Limits and Crises” in The New Yearbook for Phenomenology and Phenomenological Philosophy Vol. 11 (2011), “On the Philosophical Foundations of Universalism” in SATS: Nordic Journal of Philosophy. 2012 Vol. 13/1, “The Particular Universal: Europe and the Historical Consciousness of Modernity”, in S. Lindberg, S. Prozorov, M. Ojakangas: Europe in Question (Palgrave 2014, forthcoming), and the forthcoming “Teleology Beyond Metaphysics: Husserlian Phenomenology and the Historical Consciousness of Modernity”, Journal for Speculative Philosophy, Special Issue with the Society for Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy, forthcoming (2014). Together with Sara Heinämaa and Mirja Hartimo, I am the co-editor of the volume Phenomenology and the Transcendental for Routledge (2014) as well as the first Finnish introduction to phenomenological philosophy Fenomenologian ydinkysymyksiä (Basic Questions in Phenomenology), Gaudeamus (2010). I have been awarded twice (2008 and 2013) by the second biggest philosophical society in the US (Society for Phenomenological and Existential Philosophy) for my contributions (Best Graduate Student Submission and Best Junior Scholar Submission).

Other. I am the current secretary/coordinator of the research group Subjectivity, Historicity, Communality – Studies in Philosophy and Political Sciences, directed by Professor Sara Heinämaa, which was awarded in the latest International Evaluation of Research and Doctoral Training at the University of Helsinki 2005-2010 (https://blogs.helsinki.fi/shc-helsinki/). I am also affiliated with a popular weekly seminar in phenomenology comprising of BA, MA and graduate students as well as post-docs.

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