New Publication out: Youngsters as Producers and Consumers of Visual Material – Parkour

New publication out, as part of the parkour research carried out together with Sirpa Tani.

The article (in Finnish), examines youngsters as producers and consumers of visual materials, with a focus on parkour practitioners and the way they use visual materials in their practice of parkour.

The article is published in a book on visual methods in children and youth research, with a wide range of approaches to this fascinating subject.

TANI, SIRPA & AMEEL, LIEVEN 2015: “Nuoret visuaalisten aineistojen tuottajina ja kuluttajina – esimerkkinä parkour.” (“Youngsters as producers and consumers of visual materials – case parkour.”) In Böök, Marja Leena et al. (eds.): Visuaaliset menetelmät lapsuuden- ja nuorisotutkimuksessa (Visual methods in children and youth research). Helsinki: Nuorisotutkimusseura, 149-158.

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