Towards a narrative typology of urban planning narratives for, in and of planning

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“Towards a narrative typology of urban planning narratives for, in and of planning in Jätkäsaari, Helsinki”

Published online first by Palgrave’s Urban Design International.

The article is part of a series of articles on narrative in the context of planning – more here.


Urban planning and theory have witnessed an increasing interest in narratives. There remain, however, diverging notions of what is meant with narratives, and of their function and use. This article provides a taxonomy of narratives in the context of planning, illustrated by the redevelopment of Jätkäsaari, Helsinki. Three distinct types of narrative can be identified in the context of urban planning: narratives for, in and of planning. This paper argues that a narrative typology of urban planning that draws on concepts from narrative theory could bring new insights into the discursive urban practices that have appearing during past decades.


urban planning /waterfront development / Helsinki / urban form / narrative

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