
Seuraa valtsikan karnevaalia Carneval-TV:n kautta!

Carnival-TV:n toimittajat viestinnän oppiaineesta jalkautuvat keskiviikkona juhlaväen
joukkoon toimittamaan tunnelmapaloja karnevaalihumusta.

Ohjelmassa on luvassa suoraa lähetystä eri ohjelmanumeroista, tiukkaa reportaasia, sekä
kävijöiden haastatteluja suomeksi, ruotsiksi ja englanniksi.

Lähetyksiä voi seurata suoraan Bambuser-palvelusta, täältä blogista sekä karnevaalien aikana viestinnän oppiaineen pisteeltä sosiaalitieteiden teltassa.

Carnival-TV:n toimittajat tunnistat keltaisista rintakylteistä.


Follow the Carnival via Carnival-TV!

The reporters of Carnival-TV from Media and Communication studies will join the carnival party on Wednesday and spread the atmosphere via webcasts.

Coverage includes live streaming of the carnival programme, investigative reports, and
visitor interviews in Finnish, Swedish, and English.

You can follow the stream directly from Bambuser, from this blog and
during the carnival also from the Media and Communication Studies desk in the Social
Research tent.

The reporters of Carnival-TV are wearing yellow name tags.

Posted in Sekalaista | 47,792 Comments

Karnevaalit sosiaalisessa mediassa

Valtsikan karnevaali löytyy luonnollisesti myös sosiaalisesta mediasta!

Posted in Sekalaista | 41,689 Comments

Ohjelma päivitetty

Päivitetty karnevaaliohjelma löytyy sivustolta kohdasta Ohjelma.

Ohjelmaan ja aikatauluun saattaa karnevaalihengessä tulla muutoksia!

Posted in Sekalaista | 14,304 Comments

May Carnival at Faculty of Social Sciences: program

14:00 Carnival starts

14:30 The opening ceremony of the Ullamaija Kivikuru – gate

15:00 The future editor-in-chief of ”Ylioppilaslehti” Vappu Kaarenoja and the editor-in-chief of the politics section of Helsingin Sanomat Marko Junkkari will discuss about the relationship of the Faculty of Social Sciences and journalists. (In Finnish)

16:00 Learning with Madventures: Riku Rantala reflects on transnational encounters (in English)

18:00 Paleface and DJ Leijonamieli

In addition: Bazaar area , karaoke, Tangodean-competition, pull-the-rope, flamenco, surprises….

Various activities for international students and staff, and many international students’ orgazations will be present.

Yonca Ermutlu

Posted in Sekalaista | 16,199 Comments

Ohjelman alustusta

Tässä alustavaa ohjelmarunkoa:

14:30 Ullamaija Kivikuru -portin avajaiset afrikkalaisen musiikin kera

15 Ylioppilaslehden tuleva päätoimittaja Vappu Kaarenoja ja Helsingin Sanomien politiikan toimituksen esimies Marko Junkkari pohtivat Valtsikan ja toimittajien suhdetta.

16 Learning with Madventures: Riku Rantala reflects on transnational encounters

18 Paleface ja DJ Leijonamieli

Lisäksi: basaari, karaoke, Tangodekaani-kilpailu, köydenvetoa, flamencoa, yllätyksiä?.

Varios activities for international students and staff, and many international students’
organizations will be present.

Toimintaansa esittelevät valtioteellisen tiedekunnan laitosten lisäksi esimerkiksi
Kannunvalajat, Kruununhaan asukasyhdistys, HY:n alumniyhdistys ja Yhteiskunta-alan

Teivo Teivainen

Posted in Sekalaista | 11,894 Comments

Carnival on Wednesday May 9: Sparkling & presentations

Dear All,

A few lines on the situation of the Social Science Carnival plans after the meeting of
March 26. I am writing this is English so that at least some of the material for planning will be understandable for our international students and staff. One of the aims of the carnival is, indeed, to involve our foreign students, teachers and researchers more in the life of our faculty. More generally, to learn more about each other, build a stronger community and show our faces to the world.

The carnival will take place on Wednesday, May 9, starting at 2pm and continuing until
midnight at the premises of the faculty, Unioninkatu 37, both inside and in the
courtyard. Kannunvalajat will organize activities at the informal student bar Kuppala.
The Kruununhaka Residents? Association will also be organizing activities in the Carnival.

There is still time to get involved in the event. See list of contacts at the end of this
message. Also, feel free to pass the word to friends and collaborators of our faculty,
both inside and outside the university.

There will be a bazaar area in the yard where students and staff will together build own
small areas which tell about what they do in different disciplines and areas or the
faculty. Karaoke room will open at 5pm. There will be competition for the prestigious title of Dean of Tango (Tangodekaani). If interested in participating, send me (Teivo) a note.

Madventures will be present. Riku Rantala, the world-famous travel TV host with a
take-no-prisoners attitude, will be answering our questions about politics of cultural
encounters. He may also tell us how to misbehave in crazy parties. This discussion
starting at 4pm will be mostly held in English. See more on Madventures here:

GA Cohen Boozing Society, honouring Jerry Cohen who was Chichele Professor of Social and Political Theory at Oxford, will be showing Cohen videos (including “German Idea of
Freedom”, “Marxist Boxing Match between Roemer and Habermas” as well as “Thomas

Paleface, who was Artist of the Year 2011 in Finland and remains one of the most popular
Finnish rap singers of all times, will deliver a show.

A new gate that links the main building with the Swedish School of Social Science,
honouring Ullamaija Kivikuru, will be ceremoniously inaugurated.

All kinds of other activities, including music, visiting alumni, sports and students’
Speksi performance. You are welcome to present proposals or simply show up with your
friends and perform.

Kruununhaka Residents’ Association has thrown in a challenge for a tug-of-war
(köydenvetokilpailu). Any 5-member team that will want to compete can contact Veli-Heikki Klemetti at

There might also be a Mangapolitical J-Pop activity: stay tuned (and contact

For presenting your organization or discipline in the bazaar, contact or For music in the courtyard,
contact On foreign students? participation, contact

On various kinds things, including activities inside the building, you can contact me

Teivo Teivainen

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