VITRI and COLPOS at the Mexican Ambassador residence

VITRI members (Prof. Kanninen and Adrian Monge), and visiting staff from COLPOS (Colegio de Postgraduados) were invited to a dinner by the Mexican Embassador in Helsiki H.E. Norma Pensado Morado to discuss issues related to ongoing forestry cooperation between Finnish and Mexican academic institutions.

VITRI at Paris climate negotiations 2015 – COP21

PANEL_COP21jpgProf. Markku Kanninen and senior researcher Fobissie Kalame joined the COP meeting in Paris last December. On December 3, Prof. Kanninen was a speaker in a side event organised by CIFOR and titled “Forests, landscapes, climate & sustainable development – The evidence we need for the future we want”  and his presentation (The future of forests in the low-emissions development agenda) can be found from the link. On December 4, Prof Kanninen was back in Finland for the launching of the latest forest report by the Finnish Climate Panel titled “Climate Effects of Forest Use and the Development of Carbon Sinks” (abstract in English here; full report in Finnish here). Prof. Kanninen went back to Paris to participate in the Global Landscape Forum (December 5-6) organising several event and as a rapporteur in collaboration with CIFOR. Continue reading “VITRI at Paris climate negotiations 2015 – COP21”