VITRI’s 35 years of experience in tropical research, education and development

On 16th December, 2015 VITRI in cooperation with Faculty of Forestry, National University of Laos organized a seminar called “VITRI’s 35 years of experience in tropical research, education and development”. Representative from all our partner organizations attended in the seminar. In addition, Mr. Somsack Chandara, Program Coordinator for Lao PDR, Finnish Embassy of Hanoi and Mr, Esa Puustjärvi, Chief technical advisor SUFORD project also attended in the event. Professor Markku Kanninen, Director of VITRI chaired the morning session and afternoon session was chaired by Mr. Dipjoy Chakma, Project Coordinator.

VITRI_workshop_LaosClick for more pictures

Guest lecture by Jeff Campbell, Manager of Forest and Farm Facility (FAO)

Update [presentation available here]

Mr Jeff Campbell who is the Manager of Forest and Farm Facility of the FAO will have a presentation on Empowering small forest and Farm producer organizations for rural development and climate change mitigation

Time: Monday 23 November, at 14:00 – 15:30
Location: Room B5, Forestry Science Building, Viikki Campus

About Forest and Farm Facility (FFF)
The FFF promotes cross-sectoral coordination and enhances the organization and capacity of local people for forest and farm community’s advocacy, livelihoods, and sustainable landscape management. Moreover, FFF supports regional and global forest and farm producer organizations to carry their messages to policy level meetings. Continue reading “Guest lecture by Jeff Campbell, Manager of Forest and Farm Facility (FAO)”