Public seminar: Sustainable Forest Landscapes (presentations)

The video recordings and the PowerPoint presentations from the public seminar are now available online. From the videos you can choose to either see the PP presentation or the speaker, you can also see the videos in high definition (selection tools on the upper-right side of the videos)

The seminar took place on August 17, 2016 at Metsätalo (Unioninkatu 40, Helsinki). The PowerPoint presentations are available from the links in the program.

9.00-9.50 What have we learnt from the last decade of plantation forestry for the rest of the century, Peter Kanowski, Professor, Australian National University
9.50-10.10 Plantation based business models in China – experiences from joint research project ESGRI , Anne Toppinen, Professor, UH; Xie Yu, Nanjing Forestry University, associate professor
10.10-10.45 Coffee
10.45-11.45 Panel: Forest plantations in the future, panelists: Peter Kanowski, Anne Toppinen, Xie Yu, Timo Lehesvirta (UPM K.), Prof. Pierre Ackerman (Stellenbosch Uni.), Anne Arvola (Indufor)
11.45-12.45 Lunch
12.45-13.05 Summary and analysis of HSS and MScFB 2006-2016, Adrian Monge Monge, UH
13.05-13.25 Future trends in international forest education, Mika Rekola, PI, UH
13.25-14.00 Panel:  Future trends in capacity building, panelists: Adrian Monge Monge, Markku Kanninen, Mika Rekola, Kirsi Kettula (HY+), Julia Tauszig (MScFB alumni), Vesa Kaarakka (MFA, Finland)

Morning session

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Public Seminar: Sustainable forest landscapes

Sustainable forest landscapes –10 years’ experience in international capacity building and the way forward

The seminar is summarizing 10 years period of international forest education in the University of Helsinki. The first Helsinki Summer School and Master’s Degree Programme Forest Sciences and Business (MScFB) were both launched 2006. Since that around 200 students from tens of countries have been participating HSS, and there has been more than 100 MSc students in MScFB programme. Forest plantations have been an essential global innovation in forestry and forest industry and they have a topic for HSS.

There are drastic challenges and opportunities around in international education and capacity building. Cutting the university budgets in some countries, emerge of e-learning, such as massive online open access courses (MOOCs) and introduction of tuition fees are to name a few of them. Continue reading “Public Seminar: Sustainable forest landscapes”