The World Day to Combat Desertification

The World Day to Combat Desertification has been observed since 1995 to promote public awareness relating to international cooperation to combat desertification and the effects of drought. The World Day to Combat

Desertification is a unique occasion to remind everybody that desertification can be effectively tackled, that solutions are possible, and that key tools to this aim lay in strengthened community participation and co-operation at all level.

For more information about The World Day to Combat Desertification, please see

VITRI is collaborating with the Secretariat of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) Continue reading “The World Day to Combat Desertification”

Doctoral Defence and mini-seminar

Daniel Etongo will have the public defence of his doctoral thesis title: Deforestation and Forest Degradation in Southern Burkina Faso: Understanding the drivers of change and options for revegetation. His Opponent will be Doctor Arild Angelsen, Professor at School of Economics and Business, Norwegian University of Life Sciences (UMB) and Senior Associate, CIFOR.

Time: 13 of May at 12:00
Venue: UH Main Building, 3rd floor, Auditorium XII (Unioninkatu34)

As part of the formal activities VITRI organised a mini-seminar titled: The REDD+ road from Paris. The keynote speaker was Prof. Angelsen with a commentary by Dr. Maria Brockhaus, Senior Scientist at CIFOR.

The presentation by Prof. Angelsen can be found from the LINK