Guest lecture: Dr Abdiqani Farah from East Africa University

Dr Abdiqani Farah (Dean, Faculty of Science, and Director, Somali Institute of Environmental Studies, East Africa University, Garowe, Puntland State, Somalia), will give a guest lecture at the Viikki Tropical Resources Institute (VITRI)VITRI_logo

Title: Urban Charcoal Consumption and its Implications
on the Rate of Deforestation in P
Time: Thursday 10 September from 13:15-14:45
Venue: Ls-2, C-Building, Latokartanonkaari 5, Viikki Continue reading “Guest lecture: Dr Abdiqani Farah from East Africa University”

VITRI met the Thai Ambassador in Helsinki

WP_20150817_11_30_01_ProOn August 17, 2015, Professor Markku Kanninen and Mr. Dipjoy Chakma from VITRI, and Dr. Damrong Pipatwattanakul from Kasetsart University, Thailand, met with his excellency Mr. Rachanant Thananant, Thailand Ambassador to Finland. During the meeting VITRI’s collaboration with Kasetsart University was presented and also other potential forms of cooperation were discussed. Continue reading “VITRI met the Thai Ambassador in Helsinki”