About Phenomenology: some notes

Phenomenological analysis (Spiegelberg’s (1981) steps)
• Understanding essential relationships among essences (definition of term in Ihde, 1979, 39)
• Modes of appearing
• Phenomenological reduction:
o back to the source of the meaning and existence of the experienced world; the textural description, the constituents that comprise experience in the consciousness (Moustakas); particular levels of stepping back; Ihde, 1979, 32)
• The constitution of phenomena in consciousness
• Interpreting concealed meanings
The Existential – Phenomenological system of Inquiry:
• descriptive (describing the basic structures of lived experience). The structures of consciousness are made up of strata of transactions which have been constructed into meaningful human experience so that sense can be made of existence. The system investigates the structures of orientation toward the world, which make up human experience (Polkinghorne, 203-205).

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