

Avalos, V; Ramos-Munoz, D.E., Díaz Perera, M. A. and Mesa Jurado, M.A. 2021. El petróleo en Tabasco: propuesta para una periodización. Revista Mexicana de Sociología. (accepted)

Díaz Perera, M.A. and de los Santos González, C.C. (2020)  La frontera olvidada: el poblamiento costero de Tabasco a través de cuatro momentos decisivos, 1518-2020. México: El Colegio de la Frontera Sur (forthcoming)

Lounela, A. (forthcoming) Shifting valuations of sociality and the riverine environment in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia. Anthropological Forum. (accepted)

Nygren, A. (2020) Water and power, water’s power: Governing volatile rivers and unruly people. Submitted (under peer-review).

Rivera Ospina, Biviana Marcela; Ramos Muñoz, Dora Elia 2020. Women in the Biosphere Reserve Pantanos de Centla, Mexico: adaptation and climatic variability. Submitted (under peer-review).


Coates, R. and Nygren, A. (2020). Urban floods, clientelism, and the political ecology of the state in Latin America. Annals of the American Association of Geographers 110(5): 1301-1317

Guillaume J H A, Sojamo S, Porkka M, Gerten D, Jalava M, Lankoski L, Lehikoinen E, Lettenmeier M, Pfister S, Usva K, Wada Y and Kummu M. (2020) Giving Legs to Handprint Thinking: Foundations for Evaluating the Good We Do. Earth’s Future 8: e2019EF001422.

Horton A, Nygren A, Diaz-Perera M and Kummu M. (2020) Flood severity along the Usumacinta River, Mexico: identifying the anthropogenic signature of tropical forest conversion. Earth and Space Science Open Archive, 32 [preprint]

Käkönen, M. (2020) Fixing the fluid: Making Resources and ordering hydrosocial relations in the Mekong Region. Doctoral dissertation. Helsinki: University of Helsinki.

Kröger, M. & Nygren, A. (2020) Shifting frontier dynamics in Latin America. Journal of Agrarian Change 20(2): 364-386.

Kummu M, Kinnunen P, Lehikoinen E, Porkka M, Queiroz C, Röös E, Troell M and Weil C (2020) Interplay of trade and food system resilience: Gains on supply diversity over time at the cost of trade independency. Global Food Security 24: 100360.

Lounela, A. (2020) Contested values and climate change mitigation in Central Kalimantan. Social Anthropology. E-publication ahead of printed version.

Munia HA, Guillaume JHA, Wada Y, Veldkamp T, Virkki V and Kummu M. (2020) Future transboundary water stress and its drivers under climate change: A global study. Earth’s Future 8: e2019EF001321. Doi: 10.1029/2019EF001321

Nygren A and Quesada F 2020. Imagining cities of inclusion – Formulating spaces of justice. Urban Planning 5(3), 200-205, doi: 10.17645/up.v5i3

Nygren, A. & Quesada, F. (eds) 2020. Cities of inclusion – Spaces of justice. Urban Planning, Special Issue 5(3),

Ramdani, R. & Lounela, A. (2020) Palm oil expansion in tropical peatland: Distrust between advocacy and service environmental NGOs. Forest Policy and Economics 118.

Thuon, Try (2020) The politics of urban space making: A case study of Battambang Town, Cambodia. Doctoral dissertation, Chiang Mai University. (finalised with the support from WATVUL project)

Thuon, Try (2020). Urban development in the margins of a world heritage site: In the shadows of Angkor, by Adèle Esposito. Cambodia Journal of Basic and
Applied Research (CJBAR), 1(2), 173–183.

Triet NVK, Dung NV, Hoang LP, Duy NL, Tran DD, Anh TT, Kummu M, Merz B and Apel H. (2020) Future projections of flood dynamics in the Vietnamese Mekong Delta.  Science of The Total Environment 742: 140596. Doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.140596

Viviroli D, Kummu M, Meybeck M, Kallio M, Wada Y. (2020) Increasing dependence of lowland populations on mountain water resources. Nature Sustainability.


Berglund, E., Lounela, A. & Kallinen, T. (2019) Landscape is not what it used to be: Anthropology and the politics of environmental change. In A. Lounela, E. Berglund & T. Kallinen (eds.) Dwelling in Political Landscapes: Contemporary Anthropological Perspectives. Helsinki: Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seura, pp. 8-32. Studia Fennica Anthropologica no 4.

Durand, L., Nygren, A. & de la Vega Leinert, C.A. (eds) 2019. Neoliberalismo y naturaleza en América Latina. México, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM).

Durand, L., Nygren, A. & de la Vega Leinert, A.C. 2019. Introducción. In: Durand L. et al. (eds) Neoliberalismo y naturaleza en América Latina. México, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM).

Käkönen, M. & T. Thuon (2019) Overlapping zones of exclusion: carbon markets, corporate hydropower enclaves and timber extraction in Cambodia, The Journal of Peasant Studies, 46(6): 1192-1218, DOI: 10.1080/03066150.2018.1474875

Käkönen, M. (2019) Ympäristökysymykset ja valtasuhteet Mekongin alueella (Environmental and power relations in the Mekong Region). In E. Kettunen (Ed.) Kaakkois-Aasia : Talous, ympäristö ja yhteiskunta (Southeast Asia: Economy, environment and society). Helsinki: Gaudeamus, pp. 144-166.

Lounela, A, Berglund E. & T. Kallinen (eds.) (2019) Dwelling in Political Landscapes: Contemporary Anthropological Perspectives. Helsinki: Suomalaisen kirjallisuuden seura. Studia Fennica Anthropologica, no 4.

Lounela, A. (2019) Erasing memories and commodifying futures within the Central Kalimantan landscape. In Lounela, A., Berglund, E. & Kallinen, T. (eds.) Dwelling in Political Landscapes: Contemporary Anthropological Perspectives. Helsinki: Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seura, pp. 53-73, Studia Fennica Anthropologica no 4.

Lounela, A. (2019) Morality, sharing and change among the Ngaju people in Central Kalimantan. Hunter Gatherers Research 3(3): 515–536.

Nygren, A. (2019) Gobernanza neoliberal de riesgos y vulnerabilidades en aguajes urbanas en México. In: Durand L. et al. (eds) Neoliberalismo y naturaleza en América Latina. México, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM).

Nygren, A. (2019) Green wars: Colonization and conservation in the Maya forest (review, M Ybarra). Conservation and Society 17(1).

Quist, L-M & Nygren, A. (2019) Debating the unknowns of marine oil exploration in Mexico.The Extractive Industries and Society 6: 855-862.

Varis O, Taka M, Kummu M. (2019) The Planet’s Stressed River Basins: Too Much Pressure or Too Little Adaptive Capacity? Earth’s future 7(10): 1118-1135. Doi: 10.1029/2019EF001239


Nygren, A. 2018. Inequality and interconnectivity: Urban spaces of justice in Mexico. Geoforum 89:145-154.

Nygren, A. 2018. Globaali eriarvoisuus ja haavoittuvuuden politiikka. In:

Nygren, A. & Wayessa, G. 2018. At the intersections of multiple marginalizations: Displacements and environmental justice in Mexico and Ethiopia. Environmental Sociology 4(1): 148-161.